Hi there,
I'm getting a odd problem with callbacks that more often than not don't work. If I disable caching and empty cache and force a refresh it will occassionally work which is very frustraing that it's not 100% repeatable. The vast majority of the time though this error is thrown. It's as if it hasn't picked up the definition of getJson before it's used. As I say incognito or forcing clearing cache does seem to work occassionaly then I make a change deploy again and get error back.
I'm using Leaflet 1.9.4 and JQuery 3.5.1.
my code is:
surveyDates = L.Geoserver.wfs("", {
layers: "poa:SurveyDates",
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
if ( && {
let survey = " last surveyed: " + new Date(;
layer.bindTooltip( + survey);
if ( == 1) {
layer.setStyle({ fillColor: '#dc4405' });
} else {
layer.setStyle({ fillColor: '#477A7B' });
Error is:
Object 'parsererror' Error: getJson was not called
at Function.error (jquery.js:334:9)
at s.converters.script json (jquery.js:10232:12)
at ajaxConvert (jquery.js:9260:19)
at done (jquery.js:9736:15)
at HTMLScriptElement.callback (jquery.js:10170:8)
at HTMLScriptElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5429:27)
at elemData.handle (jquery.js:5233:28)
wfs?callback=getJson&service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=poa%3ASurveyDates&CQL_FILTER=INCLUDE&srsname=EPSG%3A4326&outputFormat=text%2Fjavascript&format_options=callback%3A%20getJson&=1687773981153:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: getJson is not defined
at wfs?callback=getJson&service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=poa%3ASurveyDates&CQL_FILTER=INCLUDE&srsname=EPSG%3A4326&outputFormat=text%2Fjavascript&format_options=callback%3A%20getJson&=1687773981153:1:2
(anonymous) @ wfs?callback=getJson&service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=poa%3ASurveyDates&CQL_FILTER=INCLUDE&srsname=EPSG%3A4326&outputFormat=text%2Fjavascript&format_options=callback%3A%20getJson&_=1687773981153:1
In case it's relevant I'm also seeing this error
L.Geoserver.js:106 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fitBounds')
at Object.success (L.Geoserver.js:106:31)
at fire (jquery.js:3496:31)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3626:7)
at done (jquery.js:9786:14)
at HTMLScriptElement.callback (jquery.js:10170:8)
at HTMLScriptElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5429:27)
at elemData.handle (jquery.js:5233:28)