Automated text extraction of a especific PDF made of images
3 step process
- Extract pdf images (pdfimages)
- Extract text from images (tesseract OCR)
- Concat all text files
The first step extracts all the images and removes those without text.
This process is tuned for the test pdf and probably will fail in other scenarios.
The test pdf has multiple images but only some of them have the targeted text.
The list of images is show with:
$ pdfimages -list "$TARGET_IMGPDF"
page num type width height color comp bpc enc interp object ID
1 0 image 1240 1753 rgb 3 8 jpeg no 56 0
1 1 mask 304 76 - 1 1 ccitt no 57 0
1 2 mask 368 36 - 1 1 ccitt no 58 0
1 3 mask 1968 3092 - 1 1 ccitt no 59 0
1 4 mask 152 96 - 1 1 ccitt no 60 0
2 5 image 1240 1753 rgb 3 8 jpeg no 4 0
# ...etc
The target images share the attribute of having 3000+ height, so that "fingerprint" is used.
Target images id adquisition:
TARGET_IMAGE_IDS=$(pdfimages -list "$TARGET_IMGPDF" | grep -E '3[0-9]{3}' | awk '{ print $2; }')
That behaviour could be changed at "function step1()" for other scenarios.
Let me know by means of Github issues of any problems, solutions, proposals. :D
Outputs creates a file named $TARGET_FILE.txt with the text extracted
- bash (4.3.11(1)-release)
- pdfimages (0.24.5)
- tesseract (3.03)
Linux Mint 17 Qiana (Ubuntu 14.04)
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
sudo apt-get install tesseract