This projects helps in crawling and scrapping the details of cheapest price for requested product. Each version of the project will include multiple vendors. Current project support only single vendor.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need to install below applications and how to install them
* Python
Below modules of python
* threading
* urllib3
After installation of python and respective modules, Set up environment variables.
Below are the steps for running the app
Enter below details based on application request
1. Product name that you need
2. Price range and
3. Location
Application processes your request the records and opens webpage with list of urls that are in the prices range.
- Adding multi-threading to speed up the process
- Crawling and Scraping for places that are near by user location
- Using exception block for all required modules to display proper error to user
- Running the application in cloud to ensure the ip is not getting blocked
- Making the application as loosely coupled
- Adding logger to debug the issue and identify the performance of each module