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made-with-bash powered-by-nodejs

Appmon is single page web-app to monitor the health of every Tomcat applications in your organization

How does it work? script will accept url_file that contains list of all tomcat virtual URLs that hits version.html (like http://server:8080/application/version.html). Dashboard is plotted based on response (If the response is 200 OK -> green tile; if not red tile)


Output of the script will look like below :

How to use

  • Clone this repo
git clone
cd app-mon
touch config/app.conf
  • Add the app.conf that contains list of all tomcat version.html URLs in format of Component-name, Tomcat-Urls
  • Run the script to create main app monitoring page and i to create instance level monitoring page
  • Configure the status checking functionality to run asynchronous by adding and i in crontab -e
  • Crontab config looks like below
  • 0 0 * * * /path-of-your-git-clone/app-mon/
  • 0 0 * * * /path-of-your-git-clone/app-mon/ i
  • 1,31 * * * * /path-of-your-git-clone/app-mon/
  • 1,31 * * * * /path-of-your-git-clone/app-mon/ i
  • This will Enable cron job to run every day at 00:00 and check status every 1st minutes and 31st minutes


  • Shell
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript


  • Dashboard is based on response of version.html
  • Script needs a HTTP server to run
  • To make it simple and light weight, Addition of external libraries are avoided


  • Position of version is hard coded and script doesn't have any intelligence. Need to make it as regex -> Postition is still hard coded. Currently, xdata is based on previous data in the file
  • Need to make the add_tile function as asynchronous recursion. Currently, sleep is using lot of CPU -> Done Spliting and by creating new file
  • Enable to run sub-processes which can monitor the health of direct URLs
    1. Create .conf file which contains list of components to be created
    2. For each component in list, create a file with same name and add list of all direct URLs
    3. Script will create a new folder with component name and move the direct url file to created folder
    4. Copy of Script will be posted in folder and self started
    5. Script would read the urls from file and create the status tile based on direct urls
  • xdata in the script is not dependent on time. Make it a dependent variable. So that each tile will get created based on time of validation
  • Add Date picker, drop down to look at specific application on specific date
  • Enable Javascript to display version of application in tooltip on mouse over of tile
  • Create and append a Logo on left top of dashboard
  • Use iframe and modularize the page based on component