Threads Public
Threads is a question and answer forum, built on Laravel platform where users can question and get answers of their technical queries. Its a local project looking forward to make live.
PHP Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 25, 2024 -
PubSub-LWC Public
This repository is created to understand the communication between independent components using PubSub model
Song-Lyrics Public
This repository is created to develop the Lightning Web Components in Salesforce which will make HTTP callout to external song lyrics service and pull the lyrics of the song depending upon song tit…
Records Public
A project records is a test web app built in PHP that used to simply store details about users and then retrieve these details and further download these records in a PDF document.
QuicKart Public
Android Application to shop by Scanning the QR Code of the Product and self-checkout in shopping centers also able to locate the product using IPS. Checkout the app link.
Java_Script_Calculator Public
This is a normal calculator built using HTML, CSS and Java Script.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 18, 2017 -
Facebook_Analyzer Public
Java Application to retrieve the Facebook page data such as posts, likes, comments and shares and user who is posting on it, used RestFb API to link with Facebook.