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Liquan Yang edited this page May 10, 2024 · 19 revisions
"mix_format": {
  "command": "mix",
  "args": ["format", "-"],
"dartfmt": { 
    "command": "dartfmt", 
    "args": [ "--fix" ]
"standard": {
  "command": "./node_modules/.bin/standard",
  "args": ["--stdin", "--fix"],
  "rootPatterns": [".git"],
  "isStderr": false,
  "isStdout": true
"stylelint": {
  "command": "./node_modules/.bin/stylelint",
  "args": ["--fix"],
  "rootPatterns": [".git"],
  "isStderr": false,
  "isStdout": true
"brittany": {
  "command": "brittany",
  "args": ["--write-mode=inplace"]

Binary download is recommended to install lua-format.

"lua-format": {
  "command": "lua-format",
  "args": ["-i"]
"terraform": {
  "command": "terraform",
  "args": ["fmt", "-"]

If any EditorConfig files are found, they will be used to apply formatting options.

"shfmt": {
  "command": "shfmt"
"purty": {
  "command": "purty",
  "args": ["-"]
"blade-formatter": {
  "command": "blade-formatter",
  "args": ["--stdin"]
"fish_indent": {
  "command": "fish_indent"
"prettier": {
  "command": "prettier", // installed globally, or "./node_modules/.bin/prettier" for local install
  "args": ["--stdin-filepath", "%filepath"],
  "rootPatterns": [
"prettier_standard": {
  "command": "prettier-standard", // installed globally, or "./node_modules/.bin/prettier-standard" for local install
  "args": ["--stdin"]
"prettier_eslint": {
  "command": "prettier-eslint", // installed globally, or "./node_modules/.bin/prettier-eslint" for local install
  "args": ["--stdin"],
  "rootPatterns": [".git"]
"xo": {
  "command": "xo", // installed globally, or "./node_modules/.bin/xo" for project local install
  "args": ["--fix", "--stdin", "--stdin-filename", "%filepath"],
  "rootPatterns": ["package.json"]
"black": {
  "command": "black",
  "args": ["--quiet", "-"]
"autopep8": {
  "command": "autopep8",
  "args": ["-"]
"yapf": {
  "command": "yapf",
  "args": ["--quiet"]
"isort": {
  "command": "isort",
  "args": ["--quiet", "-"]

Ruff's standard formatter can be used as a drop-in replacement to black.

"ruff_fmt": {
  "command": "ruff",
  "args": [ "format", "--quiet", "-" ],
  "rootPatterns": [ "pyproject.toml", "ruff.toml" ]

To fix import sorts, invoke ruff's linter with the --fix option and the import rule selected.

"ruff_isort": {
  "command": "ruff",
  "args": [ "check", "--select", "I", "--fix", "--quiet", "-" ],
  "rootPatterns": [ "pyproject.toml", "ruff.toml" ]