Simulacron - An Apache Cassandra® Native Protocol Server Simulator
Software to run automated repairs of cassandra
LMAX Disruptor backed Thrift Server implementation (half-sync/half-async).
K2InformaticsGmbH / oserl
Forked from iamaleksey/oserlA fork of with a few patches.
naryl / oserl
Forked from iamaleksey/oserlA fork of with a few patches.
cmullaparthi / dsi
Forked from iamaleksey/dsiDialogic® DSI API bindings to Erlang (via a linked-in drver).
mijkenator / common_lib
Forked from iamaleksey/common_libA fork of that builds with rebar
mijkenator / oserl
Forked from iamaleksey/oserlA fork of with a few patches.
iamaleksey / snipmate.vim
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
iamaleksey / syntastic
Forked from vim-syntastic/syntasticSyntax checking hacks for vim
iamaleksey / toke
Forked from rabbitmq/tokeErlang plugin for Tokyo Cabinet
iamaleksey / amqp_client
Forked from baramiya/amqp_clientRebar-friendly fork of rabbitmq-erlang-client
iamaleksey / rabbit_common
Forked from baramiya/rabbit_commonRebar-friendly fork of RabbitMQ common code
baramiya / rabbit_common
Forked from jbrisbin/rabbit_commonRebar-friendly fork of RabbitMQ common code
baramiya / amqp_client
Forked from jbrisbin/amqp_clientRebar-friendly fork of rabbitmq-erlang-client
iamaleksey / gen_nb_server
Forked from kevsmith/gen_nb_serverOTP behavior for writing non-blocking servers
AMQP erlang client wrapper library using the RabbitMQ libraries
Rebar-friendly fork of rabbitmq-erlang-client
esl / setup
Forked from uwiger/setupGeneric setup utility for Erlang-based systems