Park-Review (MEN Stack)
A full stack Node.js web application for reviewing amusement parks, based on the concept of with RESTful Routing, MongoDB, ExpressJS and CRUD functionality
- New User Sign up with username and password
- User login and logout
- Need to be logged in to add a new park or add a new comment
- Can only edit and delete parks and comments made by yourself, and not others
- Create - Ability to create new amusement park, and comments on parks and add to database
- Read- Lists all the parks in the database
- Update - Can modify parks and comments which are already posted
- Delete - Remove parks or comments from the database
Google Maps API
- Takes a location as string value and displays the location on Google Maps with a pin marker
Flash messages
- Displayed according to user's activities on the web application
Responsive web design
- Using Bootstrap 4
- Uses MomentJS to display timestamps for parks and comments "x minutes ago" or "y days ago"
Fuzzy Search
- Displays the parks that matches the search
- Front-end
- CSS3
- Bootstrap v4.5
- FontAwesome 4.7
- Back-end
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- PassportJS
- MomentJS
- connect-flash
- body-parser
- method-override
- node-geocoder
- Google Maps API
- Deployment
- Heroku