Tries to find the race information searching in the leagues webpages.
python scripts/ <datasource> <race_id> <options>
# --table=<int>: Tells the parser the day of the race we want (for multi-race pages).
# --female=<bool>: Specifies if we need to search in the female pages.
# --save=<bool>: Saves the output to a csv file.
python act 1678276379 --female
Processes a CSV file to retrieve the race or races information.
python scripts/ <sheet_id_or_file_path> <race_id?> <options>
# --female=<bool>: Specifies if we need to search in the female pages.
# --sheet_name=<bool>: Name of the sheet to be processed.
# --save=<bool>: Saves the output to a csv file.
python --sheet-id=34619dlds0182348 --sheet-name="SHEET NAME"
Downloads images for a given rower in a given club (Only supports
python scripts/ <rower_id> <club_name> <options>
# --year=<str>: Year searched.
# --output=<str>: Folder where images will be uploaded.
python 2914 'PUEBLA' --year=2019 --output=out
Create a list of lemmas for the given phrase.
python scripts/ <phrase>