APNS Demo is a 100% Swift/SwiftUI client to test if push notifications work when re-signed.
- Customize notification title and subtitle
- Recieve remote push notifications
- View notification token
- Requires iOS 14.0+
- Download the pre-compiled .ipa from Releases
- Sideload the app using any sideload tool using a certificate that supports notifications
- TanaraSign is a recommeneded sideload tool
- To build the project you will need Xcode 15.0+
- Using the app installed via Xcode results in a sandbox notification environment which results a bad token, and defeats the use case of this project.
- Archive the app
Product > Archive > Release Testing
- Sideload the app using any sideload tool using a certificate that supports notifications
- TanaraSign is a recommeneded sideload tool
To test the notifications remotely you will need the app installed
- Obtain your notification token
Long press the token to copy
- Send a POST request to:
- Include the following as raw/json in the body:
"title": "Notification Title",
"subTitle": "Notification Subtitle",
"deviceToken": "DeviceToken"
{"message": "Notification sent successfully."}
{"error": "The operation couldn’t be completed. (APNSwift.APNSwiftError.ResponseError error 0.)"}
The most common cause of this issue is using the app built straight from Xcode instead of exporting the .ipa