Windows 10
Unity 5.6.1f1
HoloToolKit v1.5.7.0 (
OpenCV for Unity 2.2.1 (!/content/21088)
- Create a new project. (HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample)
- Import the HoloToolKit-Unity-v1.5.7.0.unitypackage.
- Setup the HoloToolKit. (HoloToolKit > Configure > Apply HoloLens Project Setting)
- Import the OpenCVForUnity.
- Import the HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage.
- Add the "Assets/HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample/*.unity" files to the "Scenes In Build" list in the "Build Settings" window.
- Add the "WebCam" to "Publishing Settings > Capabilities" checklist in the "Player Settings" window.
- Build and Deploy. (See
- (Print the AR marker "ArUcoMarker_DICT_6X6_250_ID1.pdf" on an A4 size paper)