AmExpert 2019: AV Hackathon by American Express (Link)
Predict coupon redemption status for a credit card company (XYZ) to assist them in their discount marketing process using the power of machine learning.Based on previous transaction & performance data from the last 18 campaigns, predict the probability for the next 10 campaigns in the test set for each coupon and customer combination, whether the customer will redeem the coupon or not?
The data available in this problem contains the following information:
User Demographic Details
Campaign and coupon Details
Product details
Previous transactions
Here is the schema for the different data tables available. The detailed data dictionary is provided next.
- train.csv: Train data
Variable | Definition |
id | Unique id for coupon customer impression |
campaign_id | Unique id for a discount campaign |
coupon_id | Unique id for a discount coupon |
customer_id | Unique id for a customer |
redemption_status (target) | (0 - Coupon not redeemed, 1 - Coupon redeemed) |
- campaign_data.csv: Campaign information for each of the 28 campaigns
Variable | Definition |
campaign_id | Unique id for a discount campaign |
campaign_type | Anonymised Campaign Type (X/Y) |
start_date | Campaign Start Date |
end_date | Campaign End Date |
- coupon_item_mapping.csv: Mapping of coupon and items valid for discount under that coupon
Variable | Definition |
coupon_id | Unique id for a discount coupon (no order) |
item_id | Unique id for items for which given coupon is valid (no order) |
- customer_demographics.csv: Customer demographic information for some customers
Variable | Definition |
customer_id | Unique id for a customer |
age_range | Age range of customer family in years |
marital_status | Married/Single |
rented | 0 - not rented accommodation, 1 - rented accommodation |
family_size | Number of family members |
no_of_children | Number of children in the family |
income_bracket | Label Encoded Income Bracket (Higher income corresponds to higher number) |
- customer_transaction_data.csv: Transaction data for all customers for duration of campaigns in the train data
Variable | Definition |
date | Date of Transaction |
customer_id | Unique id for a customer |
item_id | Unique id for item |
quantity | quantity of item bought |
selling_price | Sales value of the transaction |
other_discount | Discount from other sources such as manufacturer coupon/loyalty card |
coupon_discount | Discount availed from retailer coupon |
- item_data.csv: Item information for each item sold by the retailer
Variable | Definition |
item_id | Unique id for itemv |
brand | Unique id for item brand |
brand_type | Brand Type (local/Established) |
category | Item Category |
- test.csv: Contains the coupon customer combination for which redemption status is to be predicted
Variable | Definition |
id | Unique id for coupon customer impression |
campaign_id | Unique id for a discount campaign |
coupon_id | Unique id for a discount coupon |
customer_id | Unique id for a customer |
- sample_submission.csv: This file contains the format in which you have to submit your predictions.
Submissions are evaluated on area under the ROC curve (AUC).
Public LB score (AUC): 0.8701 # Pos: 307
Private LB score (AUC): 0.86197 # Pos: 268
- Submitted solution: XGB/LGB ensemble be upladed soon..
- Best scoring model (NOT submitted): AUC = 0.918 (to be uploaded soon..)