Crashed on Xcode 9.3.1, swift 4.
Saves correctly but crashes when reading back the object. See log below
- thread Missing implementation #1, queue = 'Cache.SyncStorage.SerialQueue', stop reason = breakpoint 3.1
frame #0: 0x000000010931b820 libswiftCore.dylib`swift_willThrow- frame Missing implementation #1: 0x0000000107e37718 Cache
MemoryStorage.entry<A>(type=0x0000000113ad2ff0, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c0673d40) at MemoryStorage.swift:24 frame #2: 0x0000000107e25284 Cache
HybridStorage.entry(type=0x0000000113ad2ff0, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c043d240) at HybridStorage.swift:17
frame Add descriptive README. #3: 0x0000000107e25e40 Cacheprotocol witness for StorageAware.entry<A>(ofType:forKey:) in conformance HybridStorage at HybridStorage.swift:0 frame #4: 0x0000000107e3fa40 Cache
TypeWrapperStorage.entry(type=0x0000000105cae230, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c0674280) at TypeWrapperStorage.swift:16
frame Add Cachable protocol #5: 0x0000000107e40660 Cacheprotocol witness for StorageAware.entry<A>(ofType:forKey:) in conformance TypeWrapperStorage at TypeWrapperStorage.swift:0 frame #6: 0x0000000107e3da50 Cache
closure Missing implementation #1 in SyncStorage.entry(entry=nil, self=0x00000001c0674500, type=0x0000000105cae230, key="api-server-config") at SyncStorage.swift:20
frame File cache feature #7: 0x0000000107e3dbb0 Cachepartial apply for closure #1 in SyncStorage.entry<A>(ofType:forKey:) at SyncStorage.swift:0 frame #8: 0x0000000107e3dbe0 Cache
thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@error @owned Error) at SyncStorage.swift:0
frame Remove cache task from protocol #9: 0x0000000107e3dc94 Cachepartial apply for thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@error @owned Error) at SyncStorage.swift:0 frame #10: 0x00000001096c5574 libswiftDispatch.dylib
closure Missing implementation #1 () -> () in closure Missing implementation #1 (() throws -> A) -> () in (extension in Dispatch):__ObjC.DispatchQueue.(_syncHelper in _F417D752D2C4E9330E1C700411CE0C6A)(fn: (() -> ()) -> (), execute: () throws -> A, rescue: (Swift.Error) throws -> A) throws -> A + 96
frame Expiration date #11: 0x00000001096bed7c libswiftDispatch.dylibreabstraction thunk helper from @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () + 36 frame #12: 0x0000000109a9545c libdispatch.dylib
_dispatch_client_callout + 16
frame Feature: strict cache + storages #13: 0x0000000109aa2d50 libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_queue_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 120 frame #14: 0x00000001096cbbcc libswiftDispatch.dylib
partial apply forwarder for @nonobjc + 96
frame Feature: cache clean up #15: 0x00000001096c5404 libswiftDispatch.dylib(extension in Dispatch):__ObjC.DispatchQueue.(_syncHelper in _F417D752D2C4E9330E1C700411CE0C6A)<A>(fn: (() -> ()) -> (), execute: () throws -> A, rescue: (Swift.Error) throws -> A) throws -> A + 208 frame #16: 0x00000001096c5a34 libswiftDispatch.dylib
(extension in Dispatch):__ObjC.DispatchQueue.sync(execute: () throws -> A) throws -> A + 172
frame Feature: example #17: 0x0000000107e3d710 CacheSyncStorage.entry<A>(type=0x0000000105cae230, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c0674500) at SyncStorage.swift:19 frame #18: 0x0000000107e3ee90 Cache
protocol witness for StorageAware.entry(ofType:forKey:) in conformance SyncStorage at SyncStorage.swift:0
frame Feature: README #19: 0x0000000107e3b810 CacheStorage.entry<A>(type=0x0000000105cae230, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c00d1170) at Storage.swift:46 frame #20: 0x0000000107e3bf58 Cache
protocol witness for StorageAware.entry(ofType:forKey:) in conformance Storage at Storage.swift:0
frame Fix image sizes #21: 0x0000000107e3c5a0 CacheStorageAware.object<A>(type=<unavailable>, key="api-server-config", self=0x00000001c00d1170) at StorageAware.swift:58 frame #22: 0x0000000104e076ac MaccasAtMonopoly
DataManager.serverConfig.getter(self=) at DataManager.swift:29
frame Disable code signing for Mac target #23: 0x0000000104ddc05c MaccasAtMonopolyMenuPagesViewController.getViewControllerFor(type=<unavailable>, self=<unavailable>) at MenuPagesViewController.swift:107 frame #24: 0x0000000104ddb1b4 MaccasAtMonopoly
closure Pod. #2 in MenuPagesViewController.viewDidLoad($0=, self=) at MenuPagesViewController.swift:82
frame Remove example #25: 0x0000000104ddb234 MaccasAtMonopolythunk for @callee_guaranteed (@unowned MenuPagesViewController.PageType) -> (@owned UIViewController, @error @owned Error) at MenuPagesViewController.swift:0 frame #26: 0x0000000104ddb2f8 MaccasAtMonopoly
partial apply for thunk for @callee_guaranteed (@unowned MenuPagesViewController.PageType) -> (@owned UIViewController, @error @owned Error) at MenuPagesViewController.swift:0
frame Swift/2.2 #27: 0x000000010923a918 libswiftCore.dylibfunction signature specialization <Arg[0] = Owned To Guaranteed> of (extension in Swift)<A>((A.Element) throws -> A1) throws -> Swift.Array<A1> + 684 frame #28: 0x0000000109163310 libswiftCore.dylib
merged (extension in Swift) throws -> A1) throws -> Swift.Array + 24
frame Fix: expiry date #29: 0x000000010907c7a0 libswiftCore.dylib`(extension in Swift) throws -> A1) throws -> Swift.Array + 20
frame can you support cache to keychain #30: 0x0000000104ddae6c
- frame Missing implementation #1: 0x0000000107e37718 Cache
No labels