This is the unofficial python API for mee6.
This implements the api as per the Mee6 API docs located here:
This API is asynchronous.
pip install mee6-py-api
First, import the package and create the API class. Replace your_guild_id with your guild id.
from mee6_py_api import API
mee6API = API(your_guild_id)
See the tests folder for some functional examples
Leaderboards are separated into pages of 100 users. Pages start at 0.
leaderboard_page = await mee6API.levels.get_leaderboard_page(0)
Example of what it will return:
{'admin': False, 'banner_url': None, 'guild': {'icon': 'd25eb4a577ab711df2e20b6b15158561', 'id': '446075987680165888', 'name': 'Helios Protocol', 'premium': False}, 'page': 0, 'player': None, 'players': [ {'avatar': 'e23737d84c718554c7894e2d3a827051', 'detailed_xp': [1230, 1255, 7005], 'discriminator': '9597', 'guild_id': '446075987680165888', 'id': '300302688346832897', 'level': 11, 'message_count': 350, 'username': 'johnny', 'xp': 7005}, {'avatar': 'e7ec097ad84062ce77211b3393910d62', 'detailed_xp': [832, 1255, 6607], 'discriminator': '0098', 'guild_id': '446075987680165888', 'id': '450024877710245889', 'level': 11, 'message_count': 330, 'username': 'timmy', 'xp': 6607}, ... ], 'role_rewards': [{'rank': 10, 'role': {'color': 6323595, 'hoist': False, 'id': '456256644905697283', 'managed': False, 'mentionable': False, 'name': 'Active Community Member', 'permissions': 104189505, 'position': 14}}, {'rank': 17, 'role': {'color': 14051342, 'hoist': True, 'id': '456256766921932802', 'managed': False, 'mentionable': False, 'name': 'Superstar', 'permissions': 104189505, 'position': 18}}], 'user_guild_settings': None, 'xp_per_message': [15, 25], 'xp_rate': 1.0}
Replace user_id with your user id.
details = await mee6API.levels.get_user_details(user_id)
Example of what it will return:
{'avatar': 'e7ec097ad84062ce77211b3393910d62', 'detailed_xp': [832, 1255, 6607], 'discriminator': '0098', 'guild_id': '446075987680165888', 'id': '450024877710245889', 'level': 11, 'message_count': 330, 'username': 'timmy', 'xp': 6607},
Replace user_id with your user id.
xp = await mee6API.levels.get_user_xp(user_id)
Example of what it will return:
Replace user_id with your user id.
level = await mee6API.levels.get_user_level(user_id)
Example of what it will return: