Review-Service is a Node.js application that provides for product reviews, event reviews, and so on
cd $HOME/git
git clone
cd customer-review-service
Start and stop using pm2
mkdir -p /etc/pm2
cp pm2_config.json.sample pm2_config.json
# edit review-service.json file, change `script` and `run_as_user` properties:
# `script` is the absolute path of the `server.js` file.
# `run_as_user` is the user you want to run the service as. You can use your login user.
# make sure `error_file` and `out_file` are created and `run_as_user` has permission to write then.
pm2 start pm2_config.json # start the service
pm2 stop|restart|reload|delete review-service
cd $HOME/git/review-service
npm install # install dependent modules
cp config.json.production config.json # create the config file
node index.js | ./node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan