This is one of my release framework based on nix
which contains following:
This repos provides some helper nix
functions and derivations to help simplefy the deployment process
for projects which is built based on nix
. It serves as a CD tool based on nix
for my own use and I
hope it would help other.
The packer has following features:
- reproducable
- It is based on
and inherits its reproducability to build and pack the application and its all dependencies into one tarball. - incremental
- It packs the build artifactes incrementally. The first time you may get a fully pack tarbal and next time it only pack the changed artifactes so can reduce the generated tarball size dramatically.
- self-extractable tarball
- It uses
to pack all artifactes as one self-extractable tarball and simplyfy the deployment process by just copying the generated tarball to the target machine and run it - sand-box deployment
- Since the application and its all env and config all packed during build-time, only
some data or intermedia files generated during run-time will be out of the
on the target, the deployment can be cleanup and rollbacked very easy.
This repo provides some helper functions or derivations to a nix
project to help
simplefy the deployment process. You can follow these steps to incorporate it into your project:
- create a
in your project top level directory - import the deploy-env and deploy-config respectively
- create a
service or a shell wrapper for your application and may use theenv
as the dependencies - import the deploy-packer
- use the
function within thedeploy-packer
to generate a ready-to-run packer for the service or wrapper - run the generated packer and ship the generated tarball to the target
Following is a release.nix
file for reference:
{ nativePkgs ? import ./default.nix { }, # the native package set
pkgs ? import ./cross-build.nix { }
, # the package set for corss build, we're especially interested in the fully static binary
site, # the site for release, the binary would deploy to it finally
phase, # the phase for release, must be "local", "test" and "production"
nPkgs = nativePkgs.pkgs;
sPkgs = pkgs.x86-musl64; # for the fully static build
lib = nPkgs.lib; # lib functions from the native package set
pkgName = "my-runner";
innerTarballName = lib.concatStringsSep "." [
(lib.concatStringsSep "-" [ pkgName site phase ])
# define some utility function for release packing ( code adapted from setup-systemd-units.nix )
deploy-packer = import (builtins.fetchGit { url = ""; }) {
inherit lib;
pkgs = nPkgs;
# the deployment env
my-runner-env = (import
(builtins.fetchGit { url = ""; }) {
pkgs = nPkgs;
modules = [
# app and dependent config
my-runner-config = (import (builtins.fetchGit {
url = "";
}) {
pkgs = nPkgs;
modules = [
env = my-runner-env;
my-runner-config-kv = nPkgs.writeTextFile {
name = lib.concatStringsSep "-" [ pkgName "config" ];
# generate the key = value format config, refer to the lib.generators for other formats
text = (lib.generators.toKeyValue { }) my-runner-config.runner;
my-runner-bin-sh-paths = [
# list the runtime dependencies, especially those cannot be determined by nix automatically
my-runner-bin-sh = nPkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = lib.concatStringsSep "-" [ pkgName "bin" "sh" ];
runtimeInputs = my-runner-bin-sh-paths;
# wrap the executable, suppose it accept a --config commandl ine option to load the config
text = ''
${} --config.file="${my-runner-config-kv}" "$@"
# following define the service
my-runner-service = { lib, pkgs, config, ... }: {
options = lib.attrsets.setAttrByPath [ "services" pkgName ] {
enable = lib.mkOption {
default = true;
type = lib.types.bool;
description = "enable to generate a config to start the service";
# add extra options here, if any
config = lib.mkIf
(lib.attrsets.getAttrFromPath [ pkgName "enable" ]
(lib.attrsets.setAttrByPath [ "systemd" "services" pkgName ] {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
description = "${pkgName} service";
serviceConfig = {
Type = "forking";
User = "${my-runner-env.runner.processUser}";
ExecStart =
"${my-runner-bin-sh}/bin/${} --command=Start";
Restart = "on-failure";
serviceNameKey = lib.concatStringsSep "." [ pkgName "service" ];
serviceNameUnit =
lib.attrsets.setAttrByPath [ serviceNameKey ] mk-my-runner-service-unit;
mk-my-runner-service-unit = nPkgs.writeText serviceNameKey
(lib.attrsets.getAttrFromPath [
] (nPkgs.nixos
({ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: { imports = [ my-runner-service ]; })));
in rec {
inherit nativePkgs pkgs;
mk-my-runner-service-systemd-setup-or-bin-sh =
if my-runner-env.runner.isSystemdService then
(nPkgs.setupSystemdUnits {
namespace = pkgName;
units = serviceNameUnit;
mk-my-runner-service-systemd-unsetup-or-bin-sh =
if my-runner-env.runner.isSystemdService then
(deploy-packer.unsetup-systemd-service {
namespace = pkgName;
units = serviceNameUnit;
{ };
# following derivation just to make sure the setup and unsetup will
# be packed into the distribute tarball.
setup-and-unsetup-or-bin-sh = nPkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "my-runner-setup-and-unsetup";
paths = [
mk-my-runner-reference =
nPkgs.writeReferencesToFile setup-and-unsetup-or-bin-sh;
mk-my-runner-deploy-sh = {
env = my-runner-env.runner;
payloadPath = setup-and-unsetup-or-bin-sh;
inherit innerTarballName;
execName = "${}";
startCmd = "--command=Start";
stopCmd = "--command=Stop";
mk-my-runner-cleanup-sh = {
env = my-runner-env.runner;
payloadPath = setup-and-unsetup-or-bin-sh;
inherit innerTarballName;
execName = "${}";
mk-my-release-packer = {
referencePath = mk-my-runner-reference;
component = pkgName;
inherit site phase innerTarballName;
deployScript = mk-my-runner-deploy-sh;
cleanupScript = mk-my-runner-cleanup-sh;
You can even write some scripts to simplyfy the release process further, following is an reference:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if ! type dirname > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Not even a linux or macOS, Windoze? We don't support it. Abort."
exit 1
. "$(dirname "$0")"/
init_with_root_or_sudo "$0"
SCRIPT_ABS_PATH=$(turn_to_absolute_path "$0")
begin_banner "Top level" "project deploy - generic"
if [ $# != 2 ]; then
echo "usage: $(basename "$0") deployTargetSite releasePhase"
exit 125
[ -d "$SCRIPT_ABS_PATH/../env/site/$1/phase/$2" ] || (echo "Directory $SCRIPT_ABS_PATH/../env/site/$1/phase/$2 not exists" && exit 126)
[ -d "$SCRIPT_ABS_PATH/../config/site/$1/phase/$2" ] || (echo "Directory $SCRIPT_ABS_PATH/../config/site/$1/phase/$2 not exists" && exit 126)
set +u
[ -e "$HOME"/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ] && . "$HOME"/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
set -u
# build the boundle for the specific release target
nix-build ./release.nix --arg site \""$1"\" --arg phase \""$2"\" --attr "mk-my-release-packer" --out-link "mk-my-release-packer"
# pack the build artifact up with the dependencies
done_banner "Top level" "project deploy - generic"
The script within the generated tarbal by makeself
is not fully quiet by default, if you want to run the generated tarbal
in a fully quiet mode, you can overrite the makeself
derivation in the default nixpkgs
as following:
self: prev:
# override the makeself package to make sure quiet mode is the default
prev.makeself.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
fixupPhase = [ oldAttrs.fixupPhase ] ++ [''
sed -e "s|quiet=\"n\"|quiet=\"y\"|; s|accept=\"n\"|accept=\"y\"|; s|noprogress=\$NOPROGRESS|noprogress=\"y\"|" -i $out/share/makeself-2.4.2/
Following enhancement may be implemented in the future release for this repos:
- integrated it into the quick-cook-haskell-project DONE