Some overrides for org-ref to play nice with ox-hugo. For an example, you can take a look here.
You’ll need to require the elisp provided, and specify the
citation formats you want for the md
key. Here’s mine:
(add-to-list 'org-ref-formatted-citation-formats
("article" . "${author}, *${title}*, ${journal}, *${volume}(${number})*, ${pages} (${year}). ${doi}")
("inproceedings" . "${author}, *${title}*, In ${editor}, ${booktitle} (pp. ${pages}) (${year}). ${address}: ${publisher}.")
("book" . "${author}, *${title}* (${year}), ${address}: ${publisher}.")
("phdthesis" . "${author}, *${title}* (Doctoral dissertation) (${year}). ${school}, ${address}.")
("inbook" . "${author}, *${title}*, In ${editor} (Eds.), ${booktitle} (pp. ${pages}) (${year}). ${address}: ${publisher}.")
("incollection" . "${author}, *${title}*, In ${editor} (Eds.), ${booktitle} (pp. ${pages}) (${year}). ${address}: ${publisher}.")
("proceedings" . "${editor} (Eds.), _${booktitle}_ (${year}). ${address}: ${publisher}.")
("unpublished" . "${author}, *${title}* (${year}). Unpublished manuscript.")
("misc" . "${author} (${year}). *${title}*. Retrieved from [${howpublished}](${howpublished}). ${note}.")
(nil . "${author}, *${title}* (${year}).")))
This breaks pandoc markdown export functionality in org-ref.
Contributions/fixes welcome.