Collection of dotfiles to boost productivity. 🚀
Using them will reduce your risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Here are the commands to prepare your Mac for development:
# Install core developer assets
zsh install.zsh
# Generate .zsh_aliases file at the home directory
zsh combine.zsh
# Copy all dotfiles to the home directory
zsh copy.zsh
# Install Homebrew artifacts
brew bundle install
Click here to see what gets populated in .zsh_aliases
Special thanks to the following repositories for inspiration and resources:
- amix/vimrc - Collection of vimrc configurations for a better Vim experience.
- Homebrew/homebrew-core - Main repository for Homebrew formulae.
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles - Dotfiles to personalize macOS or Linux environment.
- robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh - Community-driven framework for managing zsh configuration.
- unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins - List of frameworks, plugins, themes, and tutorials for Zsh.