opcodesDB is a CPU low level environment representation (registers, flags, instructions, ...). Data are listed in a packed dynamic structure which can be unpacked by a parser at any time.
This project is a fruit of many years of development and a lot of attempts (Parsable-Instructions, asmdb) to standardize CPU environment.
Currently, only two architecture are supported (x86 and x64).
- Implement ARM parser.
If you’re a Perl developer, you can directly start exploring x86 environment by calling getEnvironment
require 'x86.pl';
my $environment = getEnvironment('x86');
# explore ...
If not, that’s not a problem, all what you need to do is to export the environment to a JSON file and use your favorite programming language to parse the environment as a pure JSON:
# open a cmd in the opcodesDB folder and run this command:
# export.pl environmentName outputFile
export.pl x86 x86.json
This will produce a 'x86.json' file that contains all x86 environment informations (registers, instructions,...).
- name = environment name.
- version = environment version.
- architectures = x86 architectures (x86,x64 or both ‘x86-64’).
- registers = contains a hash of all registers used by x86.
- flags = contains all registers flags (mxcsr, x87cw, x87sw,(e|r)flags).
- instructions = contains a list of all instructions used by x86 environment (Intel and AMD).
opcodesDB supports all instructions found in Intel and AMD documentation. Including:
- FPU, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 instructions.
- AMD 3DNOW and SSE5 instructions.
- AES, MPX, F16C, VME, BMI, BMI2... instructions.
- FMA, FMA4, AVX, AVX2, AVX512 instructions.
Each instruction is represented as a hash and contains the following info:
- mnemonic: instruction mnemonic (name).
- architecture: required architecture for instruction.
- deprecated: if true, it means that manufacturing (Intel or AMD) stopped supporting such instruction.
- abandoned: abandoned instruction.
- undocumented: instruction was not documented in official (AMD|Intel) documentations.
- bnd|rep|repe|repne: if true, instruction supports that prefix.
- level: privilege level required to execute the instruction (3 or 0).
- aliasOf = X: instruction is an alias to X instruction.
- cupid: a list of required flags of cupid to run this instruction.
- suppressAllExceptions: AVX512 instruction supports suppressing all exceptions {sae}.
- embeddedRounding: AVX512 instruction supports embedded rounding {er}.
- stackPtr|fpuStackPtr = +/- N: instruction increments/decrements stack pointer by N byte.
- branchType: if instruction is branch, this field contains branch type (short|near|far).
- form: Instruction has more than one form for encoding and decoding. disassembler should select either the preferred form or the alternative form.
- lock: provides lock info for the instruction. Instruction is lockable if hardware|legacy is set.
- hardware : hardware lock is supported.
- legacy : locking using legacy lock prefix is supported.
- implied : instruction is lockable either with or without the presence of the lock.
- explicit : lock prefix is required for hardware lock.
- ignore : accept lock but ignore it because memory is not the destination operand.
- opcodes:
- encoding = instruction prefix encoding: (rex|drex|vex|evex|xop).
- escape = escape opcodes. It can be one of this:
- 0f = twoByte.
- 0f0f = 3dnow.
- 0f38 = threeByte38.
- 0f3a = threeByte3A.
- m8 = xop.m8.
- m9 = xop.m9.
- [d8-df] = fpu.
- opsize = instruction opsize: (16|32|64).
- addressSize = instruction address size: (16|32|64).
- vvvv = vector vvvv field: (nds|ndd|dds).
- length = vector length: (128|256|512).
- w = (vector|rex).w field: (0,1,ignore).
- oc0 = drex.oc0 field: (0|1).
- regcode = registed operand is encoded in opcodes. It can be one of this:
- rw = 16 byte register.
- rd = 32 byte register.
- i = fpu register.
- modrm = if set, instruction has a modrm field.
- vsib = if set, instruction has a vsib field.
- opcodes = list of instruction opcodes. If a slash(/N) used, it means that modrm.reg must be equal to N.
- mandatoryPrefixes = list of mandatory prefixes required to encode the instruction: (66|f0|f2|f3).
- fields = dynamic fields: (imm|offset|moffs).
- operands: a list of hash representing arguments used by the instruction. Each operand contains standard info about the operand. An operand can have more than one form (eg: r/m where the argument could be a register OR a memory). To make the parsing easy, opcodesDB uses the variants notation. Each variant contains a specific info that applies only to that variant.
- Standars info:
- optional: if true, it means that this argument is optional and assembler/dissembler may omit it.
- embedded: argument is built-in instruction and it does not require encoding.
- encoding: info about how to encode/decode this argument.
- read: if true, the operand is read.
- write: if true, the operand is written.
- masking: register|memory supports AVX512 masking.
- zeroing: register supports masking with zeroing.
- variants: a list of hash representing possible variants that argument can support. To distinguish between variants, each one has a unique variant property: (register|memory|immediate).
- Register variant:
- value: if(embedded), it contains register name.
- size: register size in bits.
- type: register type: (sreg|reg8|reg8x|reg16|reg32|reg64|fpureg|mmreg|creg|dreg|bndreg|kreg|xmmreg|ymmreg|zmmreg).
- Immediate variant:
- value: if(embedded), it contains immediate value.
- size: immediate size in bits.
- type: immediate type: (moffs|ptr|imm|rel).
- signed: if set, immediate is signed. Otherwise it is unsigned.
- Memory variant:
- segment: memory segment.
- index: memory index register.
- base: memory base register.
- size: memory size in bits.
- tuple: AVX512 tuple used to encode/decode compressed displacement (DISP8*N).
- broadcast: AVX512 memory broadcast size.
- vsibSize: AVX vsib size (128|256|512).
- type: memory type (m8,m128, ptr16,m16-m32,...).
- Standars info:
- eflags|x87Flags|mxcsr: modified flags by instruction. Each flag is represented as follow :
- T = instruction Tests flag.
- M = instruction Modifies flag.
- C = instruction sets flag to zero (Clear).
- S = instruction Sets flag to 1 (Set).
- U = Undefined.
- N = Not affected.
- X = TM.
The snippet below, just shown how to iterate all instructions.$instruction
is a hash representing all feature listed above.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
require 'environments.pl';
my $environment = getEnvironment('x86');
foreach my $instruction ( @{ $environment->{instructions} } ) {
print Dumper $instruction;
# do something with $instruction ...
Consider this instruction: 'evex.nds.512.0f.w0 58 /r' 'vaddps zmm {k} {z}, zmm, zmm/m512/b32 {er}'
. After parsing it, the parser reports the following result:
'mnemonic' => 'vaddps',
'architecture' => 'x64|x86',
'level' => 3,
'form' => '',
'aliasOf' => '',
'deprecated' => 0,
'undocumented' => 0,
'abandoned' => 0,
'branchType' => '',
'rep' => 0,
'repe' => 0,
'repne' => 0,
'bnd' => 0,
'lock' => {
'legacy' => 0,
'hardware' => 0,
'implied' => 0,
'explicit' => 0,
'ignore' => 0
'suppressAllExceptions' => 0,
'embeddedRounding' => 1,
'fpuStackPtr' => 0,
'stackPtr' => 0,
'cpuid' => ['avx512f'],
'operands' => [
'encoding' => 'modrm.reg',
'embedded' => 0,
'optional' => 0,
'read' => 0,
'write' => 1,
'masking' => 1,
'zeroing' => 1,
'vectorHint' => 0,
'variants' => [
'variant' => 'register',
'type' => 'zmmreg',
'value' => '',
'size' => 512
'encoding' => 'vvvv',
'embedded' => 0,
'optional' => 0,
'read' => 1,
'write' => 0,
'masking' => 0,
'zeroing' => 0,
'vectorHint' => 0,
'variants' => [
'variant' => 'register',
'type' => 'zmmreg',
'value' => '',
'size' => 512
'encoding' => 'modrm.rm',
'embedded' => 0,
'optional' => 0,
'read' => 1,
'write' => 0,
'masking' => 0,
'zeroing' => 0,
'vectorHint' => 1,
'variants' => [
'variant' => 'register',
'type' => 'zmmreg',
'value' => '',
'size' => 512
'variant' => 'memory',
'type' => 'm512',
'segment' => '',
'base' => '',
'index' => '',
'scale' => 0,
'size' => '512',
'broadcast' => 32,
'vsibSize' => 0,
'tuple' => 'fv'
'opcodes' => {
'encoding' => 'evex',
'escape' => '0f',
'opsize' => 0,
'addressSize' => 0,
'vvvv' => 'nds',
'length' => '512',
'w' => 0,
'oc0' => undef,
'modrm' => 1,
'vsib' => 0,
'regcode' => undef,
'mandatoryPrefixes' => [],
'opcodes' => ['58'],
'fields' => []
'eflags' => {},
'mxcsr' => {},
'x87Flags' => {
'sw' => {},
'cw' => {}