What should happen
Actually, 2 issues rolled into one.
First, the current implementation of Spline36 seems to shift the display by 1/2 of (source-space) pixel toward upper-left. At least it does on my (admittedly convoluted) setup: win32 PPSSPP (tested on ppsspp-v1.12.3-1215-g3bf0c0088-windows-x86) under wine, using OpenGL (independent confirmation would be nice).
The fix seems to be replacing
vec2 inputPos = outputPos / u_texelDelta;
vec2 inputPos = outputPos / u_texelDelta - HALF_PIXEL;
in assets/shaders/upscale_spline36.fsh.
Second, it might be nice to have more screen upscaling shaders out-of-the-box. Currently this is either (not shader-based) bilinear, or Spline36 (not counting something like 5xBR).
Some form of bicubic (e.g. Catmull-Rom) screen upscaling might be nice, as Spline36 can be a bit slow on a sufficiently ancient machine (it is on mine).
In case anyone is interested, here are my implementations of Catmull-Rom and Mitchell-Netravali upscalers (.fsh only, since .vsh is the same as Spline36):
WARNING: not tested much, basically gutted Spline36 code.
I personally prefer Catmull-Rom visually (for upscaling, anyway).
I don't expect them to be better than Spline36 quality-wise.
Who would this benefit
Probably most people using upscaling shaders (albeit slightly).
People with older hardware.
Platform (if relevant)
No response
Games this would be useful in
Other emulators or software with a similar feature
No response
- Check the latest git build in case it's already implemented.
- Search for other requests of the same feature.