Dockerfile to build a FusionDirectory container image.
The easiest way to launch the container is using docker-compose:
docker-compose up
Otherwise, you can manually launch the container using the docker command:
docker run -p 80:80 \
-e LDAP_HOST="" \
-e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="password" \
-d hrektts/fusiondirectory:latest
Alternatively, you can link this container with previously launched LDAP container image as follows:
docker run --name ldap -p 389:389 \
-e LDAP_ORGANISATION="Example Organization" \
-e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="password" \
-e FD_ADMIN_PASSWORD="fdadminpassword" \
-d hrektts/fusiondirectory-openldap:latest
docker run --name fusiondirectory -p 10080:80 --link ldap:ldap \
-d hrektts/fusiondirectory:latest
Access http://localhost:10080/fd
with your browser and login using the
administrator account:
- username: fd-admin
- password: (the value you specified in FD_ADMIN_PASSWORD)