🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable Redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac.
Easy to use batch image compression software. Powered by Svelte 5 🧡 Electron. 简单易用的批量图片压缩软件,使用 Svelte 5、Electron 构建。
Artifactory's open integration layer for CI build servers
build-info-go is a Go library and a CLI, which allows generating build-info for a source code project.
Vert.x Blueprint Project - Micro-Shop microservice application
Building a Vert.x service with Hibernate Reactive.
mybatis-plus-join 多表插件 完全按照mp的用法来做,你只要会mp,那你就会用mpj,无感引入,不会对之前的业务产生一点点影响,采用扩展方式来集成mp,更容易适配版本,后期mp版本升级,您不用更改东西,只需要更新版本就行,自定义返回Vo,自定义表别名,自定义查询字段,骚操作爽到爆,让你在喝有时间喝下午茶的时间,还能再吃点心(目前支持大部分主流版本 )
闪聚支付是一个提供聚合支付的平台, 聚合支付目前主要的做法就是线上聚合收银台(开放API), 线下C2B一码多付, 线下B2C商家扫码.
Simple Ethereum Voting dapp using Truffle framework
Lightweight update server for Electron apps
🌲 A drop-in module that adds autoUpdating capabilities to Electron apps
elasticsearch spring boot开发demo,JDK 1.7+ Elasticsearch 2. X,5. X,6. X,+ Spring booter 1.x,2.x,+
Spring Cloud Huawei is a framework that makes it easier and productive to develop microservices with Spring Cloud.
A guide about how to upload and process large files (using Vue.js for frontend and Node.js for backend)
This is a project to quickly experiment and learn electron related APIs
Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency using native ES6/ES7