This is a personal project to create a web app that allows someone with no coding experience to run machine learning algorithms on business data.
Machine Learning and Data Science present two main barriers to entry:
- Coding skills (eg python, R, etc)
- Theoretical background (eg statistics, math etc)
This web app explores how the first barrier can be overcome with a point-n-click interface to use machine learning techniques that normally require good knowledge of python, pandas, numpy and similar programming skills.
The second barrier could be addressed with step-by-step guidance and training; this is considered beyond the immediate scope of this project.
Note that the web app is intended as a conceptual project rather than a commercial product. It aims to showcase the programmer's combined skillset of data science and web dev.
This project is guided by a sense of a hyperthetical, yet practical business situation: a startup has sales or other data that is available as a csv file and wishes to gain insights into the data; perhaps a desire to predict future sales and to understand where to employ resources for the best performance.
The web app offers the following functionality:
- upload csv files
- view initial rows (equivalent to df.head() in pandas)
- change column names
- select columns for regression analysis
- select columns using jquery (without page refresh)
- compare regressions with different tools (linear, random forest, etc)
- demo mode
- save resulting datasets and regression analyses
- manually delete all saved files at end of session
- algorithm tuning: hyperperameters adjusted (via dropdowns/checkboxes) to optimzie models
- predictive analysis: upload unlabeled data and predict dependent variable
- missing data (NaN) handling
- multiple header handling
- is the server.
- index.html is the initial html page (includes upload function).
- ml.html is the machine learning html page (main interface).
- runs regressions according to selected models and returns RMSE and R-Squared stats.
- runs initial linear regression and initial random forest to generate coefficients, p-values and feature importances (to assist with feature/variable selection).
- holds the y variable (for
- python
- numpy
- pandas
- flask
- jinja
- javascript
- jquery
- ajax
- bootstrap
- html
- css