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Tags: hortonworks/cloudbreak



Toggle 2.74.0-b66's commit message
CB-22003 Extends the Datalake horizontal scaling flow with the node s…

…tatus validation. We cannot execute the horizontal scaling if the CM is not reachable. Validations: check, the stack status, Stack has to available. Check the CM status, CM has to reachable. The target host group is scalable. Do not allow the downscale for: solr, kafka and storage add on host groups. Validate the desired count does not hurt the minimum EDL setup"


Toggle 2.74.0-b65's commit message
CB-22429 increase db connection max poolsize for Cloudbreak core to 6…

…0 from 30


Toggle 2.73.0-b92's commit message
CB-22446 Backport DL/DH os selection to 2.73


Toggle 2.74.0-b64's commit message
CB-22380: Modified Salt script for getting DL storage sizes so that i…

…t can't return empty values in response.


Toggle 2.73.0-b91's commit message
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/CB-2.72.0' into CB-2.73.0


Toggle 2.72.0-b129's commit message
CB-22429 increase db connection max poolsize for Cloudbreak core to 6…

…0 from 30


Toggle 2.74.0-b63's commit message
CB-22064 FreeIPA Service API must be able to get AZ configuration and…

… should expose it

FreeIPA Service API must be able to get AZ configuration and should expose it


Toggle 2.74.0-b62's commit message
CB-22402 Temporarly lock runtime version for the Marketplace e2e test…

… to 7.2.15


Toggle 2.74.0-b61's commit message
CB-22402 Marketplace image id was fetched from the wrong image catalog


Toggle 2.74.0-b60's commit message
CB-22419 Unable to register GCP environment on the UI. We need to nul…

…l check for the response [Google is stange..]