Welcome to my Music Store Data Analysis project. In this journey, I had the opportunity to explore the Chinook Database, which contains valuable information about a music store. My mission was to assist the Chinook team in gaining insights into their media inventory, understanding their customers and employees, and analyzing invoice data.
Here's a glimpse into the main components of my project:
Step 1: My journey began by setting up the Chinook database. I had two options for this:
- I could install the DB Browser database on my local machine (instructions provided on the "Set Up the DB Browser Database" page).
- I could use the provided workspace (details in the "Chinook Postgres SQL Workspace" page).
Step 2: In this part of the project, I encountered a series of SQL questions designed to test my knowledge. These questions were for self-assessment and were not graded by a reviewer. They served as a way to confirm my mastery of SQL.
- See: SQL Mastery Questions.txt
Step 3: This part was all about creativity. There was no one 'right answer.' I had the freedom to craft my own questions and write SQL queries to fetch the required data. With this data, I created visual representations, which could be bar charts, histograms, or any other relevant plots. My goal was to effectively answer my self-crafted questions. Finally, I presented my findings in a slide deck using Google Slides.
- See: Chinook Database Questions.txt
If I ran into questions or roadblocks during the project, help was available. The Knowledge base contained answers to common queries related to this project.