Timezone scalar type for GraphQL.js.
Ex: Europe/Prague
This package exports a Timezone scalar GraphQL.js type and list of available timezones as array of strings and as enum as well:
import timezoneScalar, { timezones, Timezone } from 'graphql-timezone';
// Generate Timezone scalar
const Timezone = timezoneScalar();
// Generate Timezone with custom name and custom description
const CustomTimezone = timezoneScalar({
name: 'CustomTimezone',
description: 'Description of Custom Timezone scalar.'
// Get list of avaliable timezones
const listOfAvailableTimezones: string[] = timezones;
// Use Enum of generated timezones
const newTimezone = Timezone.EuropePrague // Points to "Europe/Prague"
To list and validate the timezone, this library uses MomentTimezone.