ALL software version info
Software Version Info
panel 1.5.3
Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior
Observed behavior: Flat aggregators on Tabulator always give sums for all columns. Nested aggregators always return the first element in the group. Indexes displayed as NaNs. Data grouping works properly though.
Expected behaviors:
- aggregating correctly based on the specified aggregation methods
- indexes displayed appropriately.
Complete, minimal, self-contained example code that reproduces the issue
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
df = pd.DataFrame([
('Germany', 2020, 9, 2.4, 'A'),
('Germany', 2021, 3, 7.3, 'C'),
('Germany', 2022, 6, 3.1, 'B'),
('UK', 2020, 5, 8.0, 'A'),
('UK', 2021, 1, 3.9, 'B'),
('UK', 2022, 9, 2.2, 'A')
], columns=['Country', 'Year', 'Int', 'Float', 'Str']).set_index(['Country', 'Year'])
nested_aggregators = {'Year': {'Int': 'sum', 'Float': 'mean'}}
flat_aggregators = {'Int': 'sum', 'Float': 'mean'}
flat_aggs_tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(
value=df, hierarchical=True, aggregators=flat_aggregators
nested_aggs_tabulator = pn.widgets.Tabulator(
value=df, hierarchical=True, aggregators=nested_aggregators
("Flat Aggs", flat_aggs_tabulator),
("Nested Aggs", nested_aggs_tabulator)