Swift framework to get real-time streams of Dutch broadcasting studio (NPO).
Available NPO channels |
NPO1 |
NPO2 |
NPO3 |
NPONieuws |
NPOPolitiek |
NPO101 |
NPOCultura |
NPOZappXtra |
NPORadio1 |
NPORadio2 |
NPORadio4 |
- 0.1.0: Version compatible with Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.
- Import framework in Xcode project using Cocoapods
pod "NPOStream"
- Declare:
import NPOStream
on top of your swift file - Call the NPOStream.getStream function with a ChannelTitle enum case. ChannelTitle is a enum with all available NPO TV channels that NPOStream can provide.
NPOStream.getStream(ChannelTitle, onCompletion: (URL?, NSError?) -> Void)
NPOStream.getStream(ChannelTitle.NPO3) { (url: URL?, error: NSError?) in
guard let streamURL = url, error == nil else { return }
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "player", sender: streamURL)
Take a look at the Example project for more details..