Hey there! This repo is super amazing, thanks for putting all these findings together.
Was reading this sub-section (link below) on which layers are unsupported, and I had an idea on how to programmatically identify them.
This part here: "S → U → S → U → S → U" about swapping supported/unsupported layers made me wonder. In theory, if we take a layer X from a CoreML model (or just some CoreML op) we have that we do not yet know can run on the ANE, and we make a dummy model that is built solely of that layer, i.e. X -> X -> X ... and we set the compute unit to be CPU/ANE only, this would encourage the Neural Engine to run this model on 1 compute unit since that would be efficient. So, in theory, if you set the compute unit to be CPU && ANE and you see that the layer runs on the ANE only, then you will have identified that this op is ANE compatible? 🧐 could even record stats as well.
I'd like to test this theory but wanted to run this by you. Thinking this could be a way to, given a model, programmatically piecemeal individual layers, build a simple repeated layer model, and produce a chart of whether the layer is CPU/GPU/ANE supported (maybe even with statistics). Maybe even a chart that can be publically available of ops and their supported compute units (since something like that does not exist today to my knowledge).
Would help with identifying areas where a layer could be swapped out/modified to encourage running the model more efficiently on the ANE.
Any thoughts would be appreciated! 😊