A Demo instructed by Udemy course: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter. One of the highest rated Unreal Engine multiplayer courses with more than 58 hours of contents.
In this project I used DVC (Data Version Control) for all the Unreal Content/
, the files will be uploaded to my google drive instead of using the 1GB Github LFS free storage.
After DVC is installed, change to project directory, and simply execute command dvc pull
to get files from remote.
✅ Multiplayer Subsystem Plugin
- Wrap it into a plugin with a Menu Widget Blueprint.
- Take advantage of Unreal "Online Subsystem" plugin and Steam services for managing sessions.
- Create, find and join sessions. Dynamic and static multi-cast delegates for handling service response.
- One-way dependency, Menu UI class depends on Subsystem class.
✅ Character, Lobby, Travel
- Basic character, movement and animations
- A Lobby game mode which counts the players in the lobby, then call seamless server travel.
- Basic knowledge of Client-Server Model, Game Mode, Game State, Player State etc.
✅ Item Pickup, Weapon Equip, Animations
- Connecting players across the internet with matchmaking sessions
- Creating a plugin to convert any Unreal Engine project to multiplayer
- Program multiplayer matchmaking in Unreal Engine
- Learn replication techniques for fast-paced, competitive shooter games
- Optimize network code by minimizing bandwidth and maximizing performance
- Lag compensation techniques for multiplayer including client-side prediction and server-side rewind
- Multiple weapons including pistols, SMGs, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launcher, grenade launchers, and throwing grenades
- Pickups including shields, health, speed buffs, jump buffs, and ammo pickups
- Crouching, aiming, jumping, strafing, reloading, and throwing, all in multiplayer
- Working HUD with health and shield bars, ammo count, score and defeats, and game timers
- Custom game modes, custom match states, and use of the core classes used in multiplayer
- Learn how the Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Player Controller, Pawn, Character, and Actor classes work in multiplayer
- Create your own subsystem to manage online sessions
- Learn about the Unreal Engine Online Subsystem and use it to program multiplayer games using any online service such as Steam
- Display announcements including: Who eliminated who, who won the game, winning teams, countdown timers
- Custom Match States: Fly around in the warmup stage, display winners in the cooldown stage