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This helm chart is intended for creating an Azure Blob Storage resource for the application using [Azure Service Operator (ASO)|]

We will take small PRs and small features to this chart but more complicated needs should be handled in your own chart.


  • To use this chart, you need a Resource Group and Service Bus namespace created.
  • Refer to cnp-flux-config docs for setting up resource group.

Example configuration

resourceGroup: "your application resource group"
   - first-container
   - second-container

Using it in your helm chart.

To get the container(s) access key and blob service endpoint needed in your application you need to use the secrets map that is available once the storage account and container(s) are provisioned.

In the Java chart section under the secrets: section.

    resourceGroup: yyyy
      - first-container
      - second-container
      secretRef: storage-account-{{ .Release.Name }}-blobstorage
      key: storage_account_name
      secretRef: storage-secret-{{ .Release.Name }}-blobstorage
      key: blobEndpoint
      secretRef: storage-secret-{{ .Release.Name }}-blobstorage
      key: accessKey

If using releaseNameOverride, secretRef will be updated as in below

releaseNameOverride: example-release-name
    resourceGroup: yyyy
      - first-container
      - second-container
      secretRef: storage-account-example-release-name
      key: storage_account_name
      secretRef: storage-secret-example-release-name
      key: blobEndpoint
      secretRef: storage-secret-example-release-name
      key: accessKey


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Blob Storage chart and their default values.

Parameter Type Description Default
releaseNameOverride Will override the resource name - It supports templating, example:releaseNameOverride: {{ .Release.Name }}-my-custom-name Release.Name-Chart.Name
location string location of the PaaS instance of the blob storage to use uksouth
resourceGroup string resource group required for the Azure deployment Required
setup array see the full description of the setup objects in setup objects Required
setup.containers array The names of the containers. Required
setup.supportsHttpsTrafficOnly bool Specify whether https traffic is only enabled. true
tags.teamName string team name used to create related Azure tag. This will usually be set by Jenkins through global. Required if not set through global.
tags.applicationName string application name used to create necessary Azure tag. This will usually be set by Jenkins through global. Required if not set through global.
tags.builtFrom string built from used to create necessary Azure tag. This will usually be set by Jenkins through global. Required if not set through global.
tags.businessArea string business area used to create necessary Azure tag. This will usually be set by Jenkins through global. Required if not set through global.
tags.environment string environment used to create necessary Azure tag. This will usually be set by Jenkins through global. Required if not set through global.

Setup Objects

Currently we support only multiple container(s) setup within a single blob storage account. This should be flexible enough to cover all use cases.

The container object definition is:

  - yourContainer

Development and Testing

Default configuration (e.g. default image and ingress host) is setup for sandbox. This is suitable for local development and testing.

  • Ensure you have logged in with az cli and are using sandbox subscription (use az account show to display the current one).
  • For local development see the Makefile for available targets.
  • To execute an end-to-end build, deploy and test run make.
  • to clean up deployed releases, charts, test pods and local charts, run make clean

helm test will deploy a busybox container alongside the release which performs a simple HTTP "list containers" request against the blobstorage account endpoint. If it doesn't return HTTP 200 the test will fail. NOTE: it does NOT run with --cleanup so the test pod will be available for inspection.

Azure DevOps Builds

Builds are run against the 'cft-preview' AKS cluster. Any troubleshooting can be done within the chart-tests namespace on the cft-preview cluster.

Pull Request Validation

A build is triggered when pull requests are created. This build will run helm lint, deploy the chart using ci-values.yaml and run helm test.

Release Build

Triggered when the repository is tagged (e.g. when a release is created). Also performs linting and testing, and will publish the chart to ACR on success.


We use semantic versioning via GitHub releases to handle new releases of this application chart, this is done via automation called Release Drafter. When you merge a PR to master, a new draft release will be created. More information is available about the release process and how to create draft releases for testing purposes in more depth

Migration to v1.0 (from OSBA to ASO)


App repository changes

  • The resource group you created in the previous step will now follow the pattern of {namespace}-aso-{env}-rg, this will need updated in your config

  • There are now 2 separate secrets in the ASO version, so this will need updated within your app config

Examples of the secrets in the new ASO version


apiVersion: v1
  storage_account_name: value
kind: Secret
  name: storage-account-{releaseName}-blobstorage


apiVersion: v1
  accessKey: value
  blobEndpoint: value
  key2: value
kind: Secret
  name: storage-secret-{releaseName}-blobstorage

The secret in the previous OSBA version had a name of the format storage-secret-{releaseName}

Example of the previous OSBA secret

apiVersion: v1
  accessKey: value
  primaryBlobServiceEndPoint: value
  storageAccountName: value
kind: Secret
  name: storage-secret-{releaseName}