Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Resources and documents for the Jamf Pro/Azure AD Conditional Access integration
A style guide for writing safe, predictable, and portable bash scripts (not sh!)
A collection of scripts and tools for managing Apple Devices
Scripts to be used with Jamf Pro API
A tool for encouraging the installation of macOS security updates.
Scripts of possible interest to macOS admins
Easy to use command line tools for interacting with MOSYLE MDM.
Some Javascript, Python, Powershell, bash, zsh and Okta stuff I make
S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. optimizes the macOS software update experience.
Scripts to use with the awesome swiftDialog app
🕊️ A crowd-sourced guide to help techs help their non-tech spouses / partners / parents / kids when we are at the end-of-life
Management profile for MDM of all community provided apps that use ScreenRecording on macOS
Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
Collaboratively manage software installs on OS X client machines with munki
A script that automates data transfer from one mac to another - easily.
Command attributes and custom commands to use with Mosyle MDM
A Mac utility to help inspect Apple Configuration Profile payloads.
Inspect Apple software update service
A repository for Jamf Connect scripts, configuration profile templates, and legacy content.
Swift binary that will change a local administrator password to a random generated password. Similar behavior to LAPS for Windows