The project is a monorepo for the pet "pastely" project.
It is yet another code/snippet sharing project, with a minor link shortening feature built-in.
The project relies heavily on AWS services for the initial version.
The planned/implemented features (in no particular order are):
- Share code snippet
- Set expiry for snippets
- Protect snippets with a password
- Parse the pasted content for single URL, in which case it'd be interpreted as a URL shortener
- Store project configuration across AWS S3 and AWS DyanamoDB
- Allow for code highlighting when using the browser
- API to fetch raw file (or simple CDN/AWS cloudfront link?)
- Add title/description to snippets (à la gist.github)
- Use AWS lambda to alleviate need for machines
- Deploy front-end application using github pages or vercel
Project is MIT licence.