Lua module for CRC-32 calculation implemented in C.
Tested with Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.
Also included is a pure Lua implementation of the same API, using
local crc32 = require 'crc32'
- crc32.crc32 = function (crc_in, data)
- crc_in is input CRC. It can be either a Lua number, or a string. If string is used, it should be 4 bytes in big endian order. If string shorter than 4 bytes, then CRC is left padded with zeros.
- data is the input data to apply to CRC, as a Lua string.
- returns updated CRC. If crc_in is number, then returns number. If crc_in is string, then return as string, 4 bytes in big endian order.
- crc32.newcrc32 = function ()
- returns a stateful CRC-32 calculator object (userdata). It is useful for streaming CRC calculation, as it keep the current CRC as a native uint32_t between calls, reducing conversion overhead.
- crc32.version = string
local c = crc32.newcrc32()
- c.update = function (self, data)
- data is the input data to apply to CRC, as a Lua string.
- returns self
- c.reset = function (self)
- Resets the current CRC to 0.
- returns self
- c.tonumber = function (self)
- returns current CRC as Lua number
- c.tostring = function (self)
- returns current CRC as string, 4 bytes in big endian order.
- c.tohex = function (self)
- returns current CRC as 8 character hex encoded string.