is a Golang wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP.
Download and install it:
go get github.com/hironobu-s/go-corenlp
Make sure that you can run Stanford CoreNLP on command line:
java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -h
A simple code for using go-corenlp
package main
import (
"github.com/hironobu-s/go-corenlp" // exposes "corenlp"
func main() {
// sample text from https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/
text := `President Xi Jinping of Chaina, on his first state visit to the United States, showed off his familiarity with American history and pop culture on Tuesday night.`
// LocalExec connector is responsible to run Stanford CoreNLP process.
c := connector.NewLocalExec(nil)
c.ClassPath = "./corenlp/*" // set Java class path
c.Annotators = []string{"tokenize", "ssplit", "pos"}
// Annotate text
doc, err := corenlp.Annotate(c, text)
if err != nil {
// Output words and pos
for _, sentence := range doc.Sentences {
for _, token := range sentence.Tokens {
fmt.Printf("%s(%s)%s", token.Word, token.Pos, token.After)
President(NNP) Xi(NN) Jinping(NN) of(IN) Chaina(NNP),(,) on(IN) his(PRP$) first(JJ) state(NN) visit(NN) to(TO) the(DT) United(NNP) States(NNPS),(,) showed(VBD) off(IN) his(PRP$) familiarity(NN) with(IN) American(JJ) history(NN) and(CC) pop(NN) culture(NN) on(IN) Tuesday(NNP) night(NN).(.)
// Annotate text
doc, err := corenlp.Annotate(connector.NewLocalExec(nil), text)
if err != nil {
// First sentence
sentence := doc.Sentences[0]
// RawParse contains text-based result of Parser annotator
fmt.Println(sentence.RawParse) // => (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP President)...
// Parse() returns go's struct of Parser annotator
parse, _ := sentence.Parse()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", parse.Pos) // => ROOT
// Tokenizer, PosTagger
for _, token := range sentence.Tokens {
fmt.Printf("%s(%s)%s", token.Word, token.Pos, token.After)
// Dependencies
for _, dep := range sentence.Dependencies {
fmt.Printf("%s => (%s) => %s\n", dep.GovernorGloss, dep.Dep, dep.DependentGloss)
supports a timeout by using context.Context
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 120*time.Second)
defer cancel()
c := connector.NewLocalExec(ctx)
doc, err := corenlp.Annotate(c, text)
To connect CoreNLP server, You may use HTTPClient provider
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 120*time.Second)
defer cancel()
c := connector.NewHTTPClient(ctx, "")
c.Username = "username"
c.Password = "password"
doc, err := corenlp.Annotate(c, text)
To use ParseOutput
method, You can parse the output file which is generated by Stanford CoreNLP.
For example. If you run following command
java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit -file input.txt --outputFormat json
The output file input.txt.json
will be generated, So you can parse it as below.
rawjson, err := ioutil.ReadFile("input.txt.json")
if err != nil {
doc, err := ParseOutput(rawjson)