Allows loading lua modules from a compressed file (zip, tgz)
Luajit2, Lua5.3 or higher
Create your own zipped or tar/gzipped archive from any lua (and data) files. The compressed archive can contain subdirectories as well.
for zip compressed files use the .zip or .lar extensions
for gzipped tar files you can use the .tgz or .tar.gz or the .largz extensions.
compressed library content e.g.
├── dir
│ ├── subdir1
│ │ └── module1.lua
| └── subdir2
│ └── module2.lua
├── test.lua
├── test.json
└── init.lua
requiring lua module:
require "lar"
-- accessing test.lua from outside
test = require "mylib.test"
-- include module1 from inside of 'test.lua'
mod1 = require "dir.subdir.module2"
-- accessing module2.lua from outside
mod2 = require "mylib.dir.subdir.module2"
using package.path:
package.path = package.path .. ";mylib/?.lua"
require "lar"
test = require "test"
package.path = package.path .. ";[PATH_TO_LIB]/?/init.lua"
-- requires init.lua inside the lua archive
my_lib = require "mylib"
local lar = require "lar"
local str1 = lar.unzip("mylib.lar","test.json")
local str2 = lar.ungztar("my.tgz","file2.txt")
local str3 = lar.gunzip("my.gz")
local lar = require "lar"
table_of_names_tar = lar.tgz_list("my.tar.gz")
table_of_names_zip = lar.zip_list("")
local lar = require "lar"
success = lar.unzip_all("",
function (name,data)
print(string.format("file: %d / size: %d", name, data:len()))