Remake of the original Lost Beacons game that participated in 2017 js13kGames competition here.
I've smoothed some corners and added a few features.
Here is a short list of improvements made to the game:
- Improved overall performance
- Caching font characters
- Optimized AI units management
- Invisible objects (e.i. those that aren't in viewport) aren't rendered
- Design
- Cursor:
- Replaced browser cursor by the in-game one (canvas-rendered)
- Borderless selection rectangle
- Redesigned & simplified minimap
- Simplified main HUD (below the screen)
- Colors of map now dynamically changed on every new game level
- Maps now have no obstacles on the borders
- Cursor:
- Gameplay:
- Wins indefinitely if all beacons are captured
- New units: Destructor, Killer, Beast
- Empowered and balanced AI performance
Please don't worry if you find something is missing.
Several features from the original game were intentionally turned off due to
performance loss.
You can follow me on twitter or just email me.
Author of the original Lost Beacons: github/remvst
There are several well-known bugs that I've left unsolved due to lack of the time on my hands. If you have found some please fill issue.
Return me back to the game improvements