Symbolic model checker for the non deterministic temporal concurrent constraint programming ntcc [1]. The underlying theory was published in:
Arias, J., Guzmán, M., & Olarte, C. (2015). A Symbolic Model for Timed Concurrent
Constraint Programming. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 312, 161–177.
We recommend to install the following dependencies using the package manager opam.
brew install opam
- Ocaml
- Ocamllex
- Ocamlyacc
The compilation is as usual:make
[1] Nielsen, M., Palamidessi, C., & Valencia, F. D. (2002). Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming: Denotation, Logic and Applications. Nord. J. Comput., 9(1), 145–188.
Utils folder contains the necessary files for syntax highlighting of ntcc language.