To Clone Repository:
git clone
To switch to other branch:
git checkout –b <branch>
To check any modifications in local repository:
git status
Incase local repository is behind remote repository then pull the code first and then push changes.
Cmd: git pull <remote> <branch>
git push
Eg: git pull bindup
git push
Commit files without entering commit message will prompt a window for entering commit message. To close the window, follow the below steps:
• enter your message following the presented guidelines
• press Esc to make sure you are out of the insert mode
• then type :wqEnter or ZZ.
If the same file is modified by others and others changes were already pushed in to remote repository:
a. pull latest changes:
git pull bindup
b. push changes
git push
To compare local repository with remote repository:
git diff bindup origin/bindup
If the same file and word is modified by others and others changes were already pushed in to remote repository:
a. Use “git mergetool” command to resolve conflicts.
b. git commit –m “message”
c. git push
To Create Pull Request:
go to and create new pull request
after creating pull request, it can be assigned to individuals for review and merge
merge branch to other branch can also be done in git hub website
To reset the working directory to the state of your last commit
git reset --hard
To stash changes, run:
git stash
To apply a stash and remove it from the stash list, run:
git stash pop stash@{n}
To apply a stash and keep it in the stash cache, run:
git stash apply stash@{n}