Parking Lot Using Java in Spring Boot Framework
- POST http://localhost:8080/parking/initialize?name={name}&r={rows}&c={columns} initializes a new Parking Lot with r rows and c columns each indicating spots
- POST http://localhost:8080/parking/park?parkingLotName={name} and body = { "vehicleId":"13", "type":"MOTORCYCLE" } for adding vehicle to the available spot if found.
- GET http://localhost:8080/parking/open-spots?parkingLotName=ParkingLot3&occupiedSpot=true to get the available spots or occupied spots depending on occupiedSpot value in a parking lot
- DELETE http://localhost:8080/parking/removeVehicle?vehicleId=13&parkingLotName={name} to remove vehicle and make spot available.
Hit /initialize api first to create a Parking lot to use that for further features
You can use React in frontend like me to simple fetch API's and display data