This is an android calendar & contacts provider designed to sync android’s contentproviders with some flat files.
The calendar provider syncs with org-mode files, and the contacts provider with some arbitrary json format.
Org-mode timestamps can’t represent the full range of icalendar dates.
I don’t care about this in general, icalendar is weirdly overspecified.
However I do like to be able to write events that are like “every N days / weeks etc, until some date” without replicating headings which is the suggested solution.
To do this I abuse the unsupported syntax:
<2022-07-12 Tue +5d>--<2022-09-06 Tue>
To mean “every 5 days until the end date”.
To make this work you need the following advice:
(defun filter-org-agenda-get-blocks (blocks)
(with-no-warnings (defvar date))
(let* ((current (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date))
for block in blocks
do (setq dotime (and block (get-text-property 0 'dotime block)))
when (and dotime
(string-match-p org-repeat-re dotime)
(string-match org-ts-regexp dotime))
when (= current (org-time-string-to-absolute (match-string 1 dotime)
collect block)))
(advice-add 'org-agenda-get-blocks