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Acceptance criteria
GIVEN I have projects in my workspace
AND I click on a Project go to the results framework page
AND I click on the Indicator tracking
WHEN I click on the Indicator tracking
from the side navbar
THEN I see options to select the following:
- Row dimension: a drop down field
- Column dimension: a drop down field
- Calculation: Sum/Count/Average etc.
- Calculation column: a drop down field
For the Row dimension
, Column dimension
, Calculation column
the user can choose a column from the dropdown. Properties from the following models are available in the dropdown for the user to choose from:
- Indicator: Allow user to choose one of the properties: name, status, level etc.
- Objective
- Results
- Disaggregation type: List all disaggregation types for user to choose one
- Reporting period
For the Calculation column
show fields which are of type number when Calculation type is chosen as 'Sum' or 'Average'
Example 1
- Row dimension: Indicator: name
- Column dimension: Reporting periods
- Calculation: Sum
- Calculation column: Result
Example 2
- Row dimension: Indicator: name
- Column dimension: Reporting periods, Disaggregation type: Sex
- Calculation: Sum
- Calculation column: Result
Packages available:
Pivot table
- npm:
- github:
- demo:
- docs: