We introduce a translation of the formal specification language Alloy to classical B. The translation allows us to load Alloy models into ProB Tcl/Tk in order to find solutions to the model's constraints. Our translation closely follows the Alloy grammar, each construct is translated into a semantically equivalent component of the B language.
This repository does not contain a standalone software but the parser to translate an Alloy model to a Prolog term which can then be processed by ProB. We use the Alloy parser which can be extracted from the jar-file. The actual translation is implemented in Prolog and located in the core of ProB. Further information on the translation can be found in our paper.
Here you can find some examples how to load Alloy models in ProB Tcl/Tk.
Please send us any Alloy model that cannot be loaded by ProB.
Gradle: compile 'de.hhu.stups:alloy2b:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Load an Alloy model from file and translate it to a Prolog term:
Alloy2BParser parser = new Alloy2BParser();
String prologTerm = parser.parseFromFile(alloyFilePath).getPrologTerm();
The ProB2 Prolog interface provides the predicate load_alloy_spec_from_term/2
to translate the Prolog term to B and load the model into ProB.
The root of the prolog term is alloy/2:
alloy(RootModule, ListOfModels).
Each module model is translated to an alloy_model/5 prolog term.
Options are only 'disj' by now
check/8, run/8 (functor is either check or run):
function/5, predicate/5 (functor is either function or predicate):
Options is a subset of [abstract,enum,meta,lone,one,private,some,subset,subsig,top_level]
tuple of x and y position in the Alloy file
Binary and unary operators are self-explanatory, for instance, a join is represented as the term join/4 with left and right expression as well as type and position information like join(Lhs,Rhs,type/1,pos/2).