An elegant way to look at your GitHub profile, created with GitHub API..
Built and designed with ❤️ by Bereket Semagn.
Profiley is a more dynamic and stylish way to look at GitHub profile. Profiley uses GitHub API, so it has every GitHub user! Currently some features include repository counts, fork counts, star counts, public gists, followers, following, view profile, view repository, and more!
To get started, simply clone or fork this repo: (
Don't know how?
- Go to terminal in your editor
- Type
$ git clone
- That' it! View the site at localhost:5000
Or....just visit
If something is broken or does not work, type git status
in terminal.
If an error appears, report it in issues as soon as possible.
Install Now CLI
$ npm install -g now
Then, deploy! :)
$ now
- Node.js - The server runtime used
- JavaScript - API, and code language used
- jQuery - JavaScript library used
- BootStrap - CSS frontend framework used
- Cloudflare - API used
- CSS - Styling used
Profiley uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests for profiley.