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A high performance template octree library and a dense volumetric SLAM pipeline implementation

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supereight 2

Welcome to supereight 2: a high performance template octree library and a dense volumetric SLAM pipeline implementation.

supereight 2 is a complete rewrite of the original supereight. It adds state-of-the-art mapping features while also making the library more flexible and easier to use.

supereight 2 follows semantic versioning.

MultiresTSDF - ICL NUIM Traj 2 - mesh


Install the dependencies

  • GCC 7+ or clang 6+ (for C++ 17 features)
  • CMake 3.8+
  • Eigen 3
  • OpenCV 3+
  • Threading Building Blocks (TBB) (optional, for some C++ 17 features)
  • GLut (optional, for the GUI)
  • OpenNI2 (optional, for Microsoft Kinect/Asus Xtion input)
  • Make (optional, for convenience)

On Debian/Ubuntu you can install all of the above by running:

sudo apt --yes install git g++ cmake libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev libtbb-dev freeglut3-dev libopenni2-dev make

Clone the repository and its submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd supereight2
# If you cloned without the --recurse-submodules run the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build in release mode:

# Or if you don't have/like Make do a standard CMake build
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
cmake --build .

You can install the library after building:

# You might need to run the following commands as root/using sudo
make install
# Or if you don't have/like Make do a standard CMake install
cmake --install build/release

You can then use supereight 2 in your CMake project by adding find_package(Supereight2 REQUIRED) and linking against SRL::Supereight2.

To uninstall the library delete the files listed in the install_manifest.txt located in the CMake build directory. In a POSIX system you can run:

xargs rm < install_manifest.txt

API documentation

Online API documentation can be found here.

If you have Doxygen installed you can build a local copy of the documentation in doc/html by running make doc.

Usage example

Download the ICL-NUIM datasets:

make download-icl-nuim

Copy the configuration file into the dataset folder and run supereight:

./build/release/app/supereight_tsdfcol_single_pinholecamera PATH/TO/dataset/living_room_traj0_frei_png/config.yaml

1. Setting up a map

The map is templated based on field type, colour, semantics, map resolution and block size. The following map types are currently supported:

Field Type Colour Semantics Resolution
Occupancy OFF OFF Multi

Example snippet

// Setup a map
se::Map<se::Data<se::Field::TSDF, se::Colour::Off, se::Semantics::Off>, se::Res::Single, 8> map_custom(,;
se::TSDFMap<se::Res::Single> map(,     tsdf_single_map(,;
se::TSDFMap<se::Res::Multi> map(,      tsdf_multi_map(,;
se::OccupancyMap<se::Res::Multi> map(, occupacny_multi_map(,;

2. Setting up a sensor

The following sensor types are currently supported:

Sensor Type

Example snippet

// Setup a sensor
const se::PinholeCamera pinhole_camera(config.sensor,;
const se::OusterLidar   ouster_lidar(config.sensor,;

3. Setting up a reader

Supereight accepts float depth images with units of metres. A number of readers for common datasets are available.

Reader Type Scene Format sequence_path GT Format ground_truth_file
TUM TUM RGB/depth path/to/dataset/ TUM ground truth path/to/tum_groundtruth.txt
InteriorNet InteriorNet RGB/depth path/to/dataset/ InteriorNet ground truth path/to/cam0.ccam
Newer College Newer College point cloud path/to/pointclouds/ TUM ground truth path/to/tum_groundtruth.txt
RAW SLAMBench RAW file path/to/scene.raw Association format path/to/association.txt
OpenNI Microsoft Kinect/Asus Xtion - - -

Relative paths are relative to the YAML configuration file. A ~ in the beginning of a path is expanded to the contents of the HOME environment variable (the path to the current user's home directory).


File Format

The depth images are scaled by a factor of 5000, i.e. a pixel value of 5000 in the depth image corresponds to a distance of 1 metre from the camera, 10000 to a distance of 2 metres, etc. A pixel value of 0 corresponds to invalid data.


Use the ./scripts/ script to download the ICL-NUIM datasets in the TUM format described previously. It will download the datasets and handle all the post-processing. When downloading the datasets manually the user has to

  • create the rgb.txt and depth.txt files
  • rename to groundtruth.txt

to match the TUM format.

We recommend to delete depth/0.png and rgb/0.png from the dataset and remove them from the rgb.txt, depth.txt and association.txt files, as no matching ground truth is available (additionally delete frame 1 for the kt0 dataset).

├── depth
│   ├── 1.png
│   ├── 2.png
│   ├── 3.png
│   ├── ...
│   └── 1508.png
├── depth.txt
├── groundtruth.txt
├── rgb
│   ├── 1.png
│   ├── 2.png
│   ├── 3.png
│   ├── ...
│   └── 1508.png
└── rgb.txt


1    0.0          0.0         -2.25     0.0        0.0         0.0         1.0
2    0.000466347  0.00895357  -2.24935 -0.00101358 0.00052453 -0.000231475 0.999999
3   -0.000154972 -0.000102997 -2.25066 -0.00465149 0.000380752 0.000400181 0.999989
1508 0.0631292   -0.979845    -0.551017 0.0559326  0.731584    0.309945    0.60464


# timestamp filename
1 depth/1.png
2 depth/2.png
3 depth/3.png
1508 depth/1508.png


# timestamp filename
1    rgb/1.png
2    rgb/2.png
3    rgb/3.png
1508 rgb/1508.png


├── cam0
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── 0000000000031666668.png
│   │   ├── 0000000000071666664.png
│   │   ├── 0000000000111666664.png
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 0000000039991664640.png
│   └── data.csv
├── depth0
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── 0000000000031666668.png
│   │   ├── 0000000000071666664.png
│   │   ├── 0000000000111666664.png
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 0000000039991664640.png
│   └── data.csv
├── scene_id.txt
└── velocity_angular_1_1
    ├── cam0.ccam
    ├── cam0_gt.visim
    ├── cam0.render
    ├── cam0_shutter.render
    ├── cam0.timestamp
    └── imu0
        └── data.csv


#VISim camera format version:
#Camera No.
#<list of cameras>
#<camera info: f, cx, cy, dist.coeff[0],dist.coeff[1],dist.coeff[2]> <orientation: w,x,y,z> <position: x,y,z> <image resolution: width, height>
600 320 240 0 0 0 -0.0699475184 -0.0396808013 0.49182722  0.866971076 -2.73896646 2.51247239 1.37563634 640 480
600 320 240 0 0 0 -0.0666090772 -0.0376863852 0.49098736  0.867798626 -2.72662425 2.54377079 1.39652658 640 480
600 320 240 0 0 0 -0.0648059174 -0.0367592946 0.492006153 0.867397785 -2.70735741 2.5760932  1.42133737 640 480
600 320 240 0 0 0 -0.258993953  -0.217580065  0.605318904 0.720534623 -4.13637829 3.28377271 1.72629094 640 480


From TUM

To convert TUM datasets clone dataset-tools and run

cd dataset-tools/TUM/tum2raw
./bin/tum2raw /path/to/dataset

Use the ./scripts/ script to download the ICL NUIM datasets in TUM format. Read (Section TUM, Subsection ICL NUIM dataset) when downloading the dataset manually.

From Newer College

To convert Newer College datasets clone dataset-tools and run

cd dataset-tools/NewerCollege
./ /path/to/dataset

4. Setting up an integrator and integrate a depth frame

The following integrator type is currently supported:

Integrator Type

Example snippet

// Setup integrator
se::MapIntegrator integrator(map);
// Integrate depth image using an se::PinholeCamera
integrator.integrateDepth(se::Measurements{se::Measurement{processed_depth_img, sensor, T_MS}}, frame_num);

Internally the integrator is split in an allocator and an updater.

Field Type Resolution Allocator Type Updater Type
TSDF Single Ray-casting Custom
TSDF Multi Ray-casting Custom
Occupancy Multi Volume-carving Custom

5. Outputs


If GLUT is available and enable_gui is true in the configuration file then the input RGB and depth images, the tracking result and a 3D render from the current camera pose will be shown.


The mesh can be extracted from the map using its se::Map::saveMesh() function. Internally the function runs a marching cube algorithm on the primal grid (single-res implementation) or dual grid (multi-res implementation). The mesh can be saved as a .ply, .obj or .vtk file. Based on the provided filename the according type will be saved.

MultiresOccupancy - Cow and Lady - mesh



The map's underlying octree structure up to block level can saved using se::Map::saveStructure() function. The structure can be saved as a .ply, .obj or .vtk file. Based on the provided filename the according type will be saved.



Slices through the TSDF/occupancy field of the map can be saved using the se::Map::saveFieldSlice() function. The field can only be saved as a .vtk file. Given a position t_WS three axis aligned slices located at the t_WS.x() (y-z plane), t_WS.y() (x-z plane) and t_WS.z() (x-y plane) will be saved.

map.saveFieldSlice("./octree_slice", t_WS);

MultiresOccupancy - Cow and Lady - slice


The file formats can be visualised with the following software (non-exhaustive):

File type Software
.ply ParaView, MeshLab, CloudCompare
.obj ParaView, MeshLab
.vtk ParaView


The following shows performance of the different pipelines (TSDF, MultiresTSDF and MultiresOccupancy) for numerous datasets. All pipelines are run at 1cm voxel resolution with a 320x240 input image resolution.


Dataset Frame total (s) Data read (s) Integration (s) Raycasting (s)
living_room_traj0_frei_png 0.0169 0.0078 0.0038 0.0043
living_room_traj1_frei_png 0.0157 0.0077 0.0032 0.0038
living_room_traj2_frei_png 0.0189 0.0079 0.0053 0.0046
living_room_traj3_frei_png 0.0165 0.0076 0.0035 0.0042
cow_and_lady 0.0253 0.0003 0.0158 0.0082
rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk 0.0164 0.0040 0.0036 0.0047
rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_desk 0.0250 0.0032 0.0105 0.0073


Dataset Frame total (s) Data read (s) Integration (s) Raycasting (s)
living_room_traj0_frei_png 0.0211 0.0079 0.0061 0.0062
living_room_traj1_frei_png 0.0196 0.0078 0.0051 0.0055
living_room_traj2_frei_png 0.0239 0.0079 0.0084 0.0065
living_room_traj3_frei_png 0.0203 0.0076 0.0055 0.0060
cow_and_lady 0.0367 0.0003 0.0247 0.0107
rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk 0.0170 0.0003 0.0059 0.0068
rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_desk 0.0308 0.0003 0.0173 0.0093


Dataset Frame total (s) Data read (s) Integration (s) Raycasting (s)
living_room_traj0_frei_png 0.0403 0.0079 0.01442 0.0170
living_room_traj1_frei_png 0.0414 0.0079 0.0161 0.0164
living_room_traj2_frei_png 0.0505 0.0079 0.0204 0.0212
living_room_traj3_frei_png 0.0457 0.0077 0.0145 0.0225
cow_and_lady 0.0576 0.0003 0.0243 0.0321
rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk 0.0404 0.0003 0.0069 0.0298
rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_desk 0.0578 0.0003 0.0180 0.0364


If you use supereight 2 in your work, please cite

  author  = {Vespa, Emanuele and Nikolov, Nikolay and Grimm, Marius and Nardi, Luigi and Kelly, Paul H. J. and Leutenegger, Stefan},
  title   = {Efficient Octree-Based Volumetric {SLAM} Supporting Signed-Distance and Occupancy Mapping},
  journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  year    = {2018},
  volume  = {3},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {1144--1151},
  month   = apr,
  issn    = {2377-3766},

Additionally, if you are using MultiresOccupancy or MultiresTSDF, please cite

  author  = {Nils Funk and Juan Tarrio and Sotiris Papatheodorou and Marija Popovi\'{c} and Pablo F. Alcantarilla and Stefan Leutenegger},
  title   = {Multi-Resolution {3D} Mapping With Explicit Free Space Representation for Fast and Accurate Mobile Robot Motion Planning},
  journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  year    = {2021},
  volume  = {6},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {3553--3560},
  month   = apr,
  issn    = {2377-3766},


  author    = {Vespa, Emanuele and Funk, Nils and Kelly, Paul H. J. and Leutenegger, Stefan},
  title     = {Adaptive-Resolution Octree-Based Volumetric {SLAM}},
  booktitle = {International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {654--662},



Copyright 2018-2019 Emanuele Vespa
Copyright 2019-2022 Smart Robotics Lab, Imperial College London, Technical University of Munich
Copyright 2019-2022 Nils Funk
Copyright 2019-2022 Sotiris Papatheodorou

supereight 2 is distributed under the BSD 3-clause license.


A high performance template octree library and a dense volumetric SLAM pipeline implementation







No packages published

Contributors 4
