This EFI is created by Herman ZHAO
Opencore version: 1.0.3
Mac OS version: 15.2
When you use the same computer parts as me, you can gain a perfect AMD Mac OS machine by using my EFI.
CPU: AMD Ryzen-9 3900X 3.8GHz
GPU: 蓝宝石5700XT 8G 超白金极光特别版
Motherboard/主板: ASUS TUF Gaming X570 (without WIFI edition, there is no need to buy the WIFI edition if you want to hack into sh! We need another driver free net card)
Power: 海韵/SEASONIC GX750 750W 金牌全模
机箱: 恩杰NZXT H710i 黑红
CPU一体式水冷: 恩杰NZXT Kraken 海妖X73 360mm
内存: 芝奇G. SKILL 焰光戟 8G*4 F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC
Windows10-西部数据 SN550 500G NVMe协议
Mac OS(Catalina10.15.5)-三星 970 EVO Plus
Wireless card/无线网卡+Bluetooth/蓝牙: 奋威 FV-T919 - 1750M
Audio card: a USB audio card is used
For normal work, please use the config.plist
DO NOT edit the plist file without using Xcode or propertree!
REMEMBER to update your SMBIOS info.
Works fine:
- 5700XT GPU
- Wireless network card
- Bluetooth
- Sleep wake
- Audio card
Not work:
- Sidecar(Because this CPU do not have Core graphics)
- Modify the BIOS setting to turn on the Virtual function of AMD cpu(for VMWare)
- BIOS Overclocking reference:
- Recommend
flck frequency
≤1800 MHz (I use 1800 MHz) - Recommend
memory frequency
≤3600 Mhz (I use 3333 MHz)
- Recommend
Please update your SMbios info!
AFTER you successfully login the system, you may find that WIFI and bluetooth can not work, you should install OpenCore-Patcher and run the "Post-Install Root Patch" protocol and reboot. Then, you will make it!