This is a fork of PaulStoffregen's MotionCal with fixes to compile on Ubuntu 20.04.
For stability reasons, the baudrate was set to 57600. Make sure the sensor-board uses the same speed.
Have a build-system available:
sudo apt install build-essential
Check what the latest wxWidgets are:
sudo apt-cache search libwxgt*
Install them:
sudo apt install libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libwxgtk-media3.0-gtk3-dev
Install OpenGL-Libaries:
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev
Just type make
$ make
g++ -O2 -Wall -DLINUX `/usr/bin/wx-config --cppflags` -c -o gui.o gui.cpp
g++ -O2 -Wall -DLINUX `/usr/bin/wx-config --cppflags` -c -o portlist.o portlist.cpp
perl checkgreen.png checkempty.png checkemptygray.png > images.cpp
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o visualize.o visualize.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o serialdata.o serialdata.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o rawdata.o rawdata.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o magcal.o magcal.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o matrix.o matrix.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o fusion.o fusion.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o quality.o quality.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o mahony.o mahony.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -c -o imuread.o imuread.c
g++ -O2 -Wall -DLINUX `/usr/bin/wx-config --cppflags` -c -o images.o images.cpp
gcc -s -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -o imuread imuread.o visualize.o serialdata.o rawdata.o magcal.o matrix.o fusion.o quality.o mahony.o -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm
g++ -s -O2 -Wall -DLINUX -o MotionCal gui.o portlist.o images.o visualize.o serialdata.o rawdata.o magcal.o matrix.o fusion.o quality.o mahony.o -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm `/usr/bin/wx-config --libs all,opengl`
run the application: