Kiwi Stocks is a simple way to compare and track stock indicators.
Currently, only companies listed on B3's IDIV stock index are available. Users can get information on 48 Brazilian companies through 55 indicators.
The data is fetched via Yahu Financials API and stored in a database on Supabase. Data updates occur twice a week via a cron job on Vercel.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Access the directory:
cd kiwi-stocks
Install Dependencies:
npm i
Create a file for environment variables.
Create a file named
in the root folder of the project, and add to it the following environment variables with their respective values. You should get these values from Supabase, RapidApi, and Google Analytics.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL="value" NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY="value" NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID="value" RAPIDAPI_KEY="value" SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY="value"
Run Next.js:
npm run dev
- You should now be all set to use the project.
- Add or remove stock symbols from the database
- Hide or display indicators
- User preferences are stored in the browser's localStorage
- Data is updated twice a week
- Sticky lists for symbols and indicators while scrolling
- Filter the list by clicking on indicators
- Responsive design
- Cron job (Vercel)
- ESLint
- Font Awesome
- GitHub Actions (CI pipeline)
- Jest
- Next.js
- Prettier
- React
- React Testing Library
- Redux
- Supabase
- Tailwind CSS
- TypeScript
- Yahu Financials RESTful API
- Zod
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Created by Henrique Pochmann.
You can reach out to me via LinkedIn or