This is a standalone grib parser which will be soon included into tika. The parser consumes a grib format file - grib2 or grb and generates a HTML file
Welcome to the GRIB parser! Usage: java -jar grib.jar [inputfilepath] [outputfilepath]
There are 3 parts here
- gribParser - This has source folder which contains main source code- and
- grib.jar - An executable to run which you can just download and run against the GRIB file
- Samples - This has sample grib files which you can use to run and test the jar file
- grib_lib - The library needed by grib.jar to execute successfully
- Clone or download the repository or Take the .jar file along with grib_lib/ folder
- Execute the jar file by typing in the following command java - jar grib.jar /gribfilename /htmlfilename
- java -jar grib.jar sample/gdas1.forecmwf.2014062612.grib2 ~/Desktop/grib.html
- java -jar grib.jar sample/NLDAS_FORA0125_H.A20130112.1200.002.grb ~/Desktop/grib1.html