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test pr

test pr #1253

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- push
- pull_request
GO_VERSION: "1.19.x"
GO_BUILD_CMD: 'go build "-ldflags=-s -w" -trimpath'
GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD: "go test -mod=mod -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr -c -tags functional"
GOTESTSUM_CMD: "gotestsum --format standard-verbose --debug --"
GOTESTSUM_CMD_RAW: "gotestsum --format standard-verbose --debug --raw-command -- go tool test2json -t"
# lint:
# runs-on: "windows-2022"
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# goos: [windows, linux]
# root: ["", test] # cannot specify "./... ./test/..." unless in go workspace
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# # sometimes go cache causes issues when linting
# cache: false
# - name: Run golangci-lint
# uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
# with:
# version: v1.54
# args: >-
# --verbose
# --max-issues-per-linter=0
# --max-same-issues=0
# --modules-download-mode=readonly
# --timeout=10m
# --config=${{ github.workspace }}/.golangci.yml
# skip-cache: true # even if a cache is found, don't use it
# working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ matrix.root }}
# env:
# GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
# protos:
# runs-on: "windows-2022"
# env:
# # translating from<path> (via `go list`) to <path> is easier if hcsshim is in GOPATH/src
# GOPATH: '${{ github.workspace }}\go'
# steps:
# # protobuild requires the code to be in $GOPATH to translate from
# # to the correct path on disk
# - name: Checkout hcsshim
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: "${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/"
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# ${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/
# ${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/
# - name: Pre-fill Module Cache
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# go mod download
# cd test
# go mod download
# working-directory: "${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/"
# - name: Install protoc
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# gh release download -R protocolbuffers/protobuf -p 'protoc-*' -O 'v23.2'
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not download protoc.'
# }
# tar.exe xf
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not install protoc.'
# }
# mkdir -f ${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/
# mv include/* ${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/
# # put protoc in GOBIN to make things easier
# $bin = Join-Path (go env GOPATH) 'bin'
# mkdir -f $bin
# mv bin\protoc.exe $bin
# $bin | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Run protobuild
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# Write-Output "::group::protobuild"
# .\scripts\Update-Proto.ps1
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# # look for any new files not previously tracked
# git add --all --intent-to-add .
# Write-Output "::group::git diff"
# git diff --exit-code
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# working-directory: "${{ github.workspace }}/go/src/"
# verify-vendor:
# runs-on: "windows-2022"
# env:
# GOPROXY: ",direct"
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Pre-fill Module Cache
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# go mod download
# cd test
# go mod download
# - name: Validate go.mod and vendoring
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# Write-Output "::group::go mod tidy"
# go mod tidy -v -e
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error title=Go Mod::Error running ``go mod tidy``"
# }
# Write-Output "::group::go mod vendor"
# go mod vendor -e
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error title=Go Mod::Error running ``go mod vendor``"
# }
# git add --all --intent-to-add .
# Write-Output "::group::git diff"
# git diff --stat --exit-code
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error ::./go.mod is not up to date. Please run ``go mod tidy && go mod vendor`` "
# }
# - name: Validate test/go.mod
# shell: pwsh
# working-directory: test
# run: |
# Write-Output "::group::go mod tidy"
# go mod tidy -v -e
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error title=Go Mod::Error running ``go mod tidy``` from withing ``./test``"
# }
# git add --all --intent-to-add .
# Write-Output "::group::git diff"
# git diff --stat --exit-code
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error ::./test/go.mod is not up to date. Please run ``go mod tidy`` from within ``./test``"
# }
# go-gen:
# name: Go Generate
# runs-on: "windows-2022"
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Pre-fill Module Cache
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# go mod download
# cd test
# go mod download
# - name: Validate go generate
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# Write-Output "::group::go generate"
# go generate -x .\...
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error title=Go Generate::Error running go generate."
# }
# git add --all --intent-to-add .
# Write-Output "::group::git diff"
# git diff --stat --exit-code
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error ::Generated files are not up to date. Please run ``go generate .\...``."
# }
# - name: Validate go generate in test
# shell: pwsh
# working-directory: test
# run: |
# Write-Output "::group::go generate"
# go generate -x .\...
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error title=Go Generate::Error running go generate."
# }
# git add --all --intent-to-add .
# Write-Output "::group::git diff"
# git diff --stat --exit-code
# Write-Output "::endgroup::"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# Write-Output "::error ::Generated files are not up to date. Please run ``go generate .\...`` from within ``./test``."
# }
# test-linux:
# needs: [lint, protos, verify-vendor, go-gen]
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Install gotestsum
# run: go install
# - name: Test standard security policy
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -timeout=30m -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr ./pkg/securitypolicy/...
# - name: Test rego security policy
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -tags=rego -timeout=30m -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr ./pkg/securitypolicy/...
# - name: Test rego policy interpreter
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr ./internal/regopolicyinterpreter/...
# - name: Run guest code unit tests
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr ./internal/guest/...
# - name: Build gcs Testing Binary
# run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD }} ./gcs
# working-directory: test
# test-windows:
# needs: [lint, protos, verify-vendor, go-gen]
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# os: [windows-2019, windows-2022]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Install gotestsum
# run: go install
# # Download PsExec so we can run (functional) tests as 'NT Authority\System'.
# # Needed for hostprocess tests, as well ensuring backup and restore privileges for
# # unpacking WCOW images.
# - name: Install PsExec.exe
# run: |
# New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force '${{ github.workspace }}\bin' > $null
# '${{ github.workspace }}\bin' | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
# curl.exe -L --no-progress-meter --fail-with-body -o 'C:\' `
# '' 2>&1
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not download'
# }
# tar.exe xf 'C:\' -C '${{ github.workspace }}\bin' 'PsExec*' 2>&1
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not extract PsExec.exe'
# }
# # accept the eula
# & '${{ github.workspace }}/bin/psexec' -accepteula -nobanner cmd /c "exit 0" 2>$null
# # run tests
# - name: Test repo
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr -tags admin -timeout=20m ./...
# - name: Run non-functional tests
# run: ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD }} -mod=mod -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr ./internal/... ./pkg/...
# working-directory: test
# - name: Build and run containerd-shim-runhcs-v1 tests
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# pwsh {
# cd '..'
# ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} -o ./test ./cmd/containerd-shim-runhcs-v1 2>&1
# }
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not build containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe'
# }
# ${{ env.GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD }} ./containerd-shim-runhcs-v1
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not build containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.test.exe'
# }
# ${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD_RAW }} ./containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.test.exe '-test.v'
# working-directory: test
# - name: Build and run functional testing binary
# run: |
# ${{ env.GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD }} ./functional
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not build functional.test.exe'
# }
# # PsExec doesn't load GOBIN into path, so resolve gotestsum path
# # don't run uVM (ie, nested virt) or LCOW integrity tests
# $cmd = '${{ env.GOTESTSUM_CMD_RAW }} ./functional.test.exe -exclude="LCOW,LCOWIntegrity,uVM" -test.timeout=1h -test.v'
# $cmd = $cmd -replace 'gotestsum', ((Get-Command gotestsum)[0].Source)
# Write-Host "gotestsum command: $cmd"
# # it appears, that in a GH runner, PsExec always runs noninteractively (even with `-i`) and
# # doesn't capture or redirect std IO.
# # Instead, write stdout/stderr to a file.
# psexec -nobanner -w (Get-Location) -s cmd /c "$cmd > out.txt 2>&1"
# Get-Content out.txt
# exit $ec
# working-directory: test
# # build testing binaries
# - name: Build cri-containerd Testing Binary
# run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD }} ./cri-containerd
# working-directory: test
# - name: Build runhcs Testing Binary
# run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_TEST_CMD }} ./runhcs
# working-directory: test
# - name: Build logging-driver Binary
# run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} -mod=mod -o sample-logging-driver.exe ./cri-containerd/helpers/log.go
# working-directory: test
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
# with:
# name: test_binaries_${{ matrix.os }}
# path: |
# test/containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.test.exe
# test/cri-containerd.test.exe
# test/functional.test.exe
# test/runhcs.test.exe
# test/sample-logging-driver.exe
# A PR merges ${{ github.head_ref }} (${{ github.head.sha}}) into ${{ github.base_ref }}
# The merge branch is ${{ github.ref }} (${{ github.base.sha}})
name: Run Functional Benchmarks
# needs: [lint, protos, verify-vendor, go-gen]
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [windows-2019]
# os: [windows-2019, windows-2022]
ref: ['${{ github.ref }}', '${{ github.head_ref }}']
BASE_SHA: ${{ github.event.pullrequest.base.sha }}
BASE_REF: ${{ github.base_ref }}
- name: Checkout ${{ matrix.ref}}
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: "${{ matrix.ref }}"
show-progress: false
- name: Install go
uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
cache-dependency-path: |
- name: Info
shell: pwsh
run: |
echo "Comparing merge branch ${{ github.ref }} (${{ github.sha }}) to base branch $env:BASE_REF ($env:BASE_SHA)"
- name: Install perfsuite
run: go install
# Download PsExec so we can run (functional) tests as 'NT Authority\System'.
# Needed for hostprocess tests, as well ensuring backup and restore privileges for
# unpacking WCOW images.
- name: Install PsExec.exe
run: |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force '${{ github.workspace }}\bin' > $null
'${{ github.workspace }}\bin' | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
curl.exe -L --no-progress-meter --fail-with-body -o 'C:\' `
'' 2>&1
Write-Output '::error::Could not download'
tar.exe xf 'C:\' -C '${{ github.workspace }}\bin' 'PsExec*' 2>&1
Write-Output '::error::Could not extract PsExec.exe'
# accept the eula
& '${{ github.workspace }}/bin/psexec' -accepteula -nobanner cmd /c "exit 0" 2>$null
- name: Set version info
shell: pwsh
run: |
# ignore errors since they won't affect build
try {
} catch {
Write-Output "::warning::Could not set hcsshim version info: $_"
} finally {
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
# with:
# name: test_binaries_${{ matrix.os }}
# path: |
# test/containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.test.exe
# test/cri-containerd.test.exe
# test/functional.test.exe
# test/runhcs.test.exe
# test/sample-logging-driver.exe
# integration-tests:
# needs: [lint, protos, verify-vendor, go-gen]
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# os: [windows-2019, windows-2022]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout hcsshim
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: src/
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# check-latest: true
# cache-dependency-path: |
# src/
# src/
# - name: Set env
# shell: bash
# run: |
# mkdir -p "${{ github.workspace }}/bin"
# echo "GOPATH=${{ github.workspace }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "${{ github.workspace }}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# echo "${{ github.workspace }}/src/" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# - name: Get containerd ref
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# $v = go list -m -f '{{ .Version }}' '' 2>&1
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not retrieve containerd version.'
# }
# Write-Output "containerd ref is: $v"
# "containerd_ref=$v" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
# working-directory: src/
# - name: Checkout containerd
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: src/
# repository: "containerd/containerd"
# ref: "${{ env.containerd_ref }}"
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install crictl
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# gh release download -R kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools -p 'crictl-*-windows-amd64.tar.gz' -O c:\crictl.tar.gz 'v1.24.2'
# tar.exe xf c:\crictl.tar.gz -C '${{ github.workspace }}/bin'
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output '::error::Could not install crictl.'
# }
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# # needs to be a separate step since terminal reload is required to bring in new env variables and PATH
# - name: Upgrade Chocolaty
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# choco upgrade -y chocolatey 2>&1
# - name: Install mingw
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
# # dont set $ErrorActionPreference since we want to allow choco install to fail later on
# Write-Output 'Install mingw'
# # Install sometimes fails when downloading mingw zip from source-forge with:
# # "ERROR: The remote file either doesn't exist, is unauthorized, or is forbidden for url"
# # Issue is with accessing from source-forge, which version 10.3+ do not use, but cannot upgrade versions.
# # Add retry and backoff
# foreach ( $i in 1..3 ) {
# Write-Output "::group::Attempt $i"
# if ( $i -gt 1 ) {
# # remove any left-over state
# choco uninstall -y --no-progress --force mingw
# Write-Output 'Sleeping for 60 seconds'
# Sleep -Seconds 60
# }
# choco install -y --no-progress --stop-on-first-failure --force mingw --allow-downgrade --version 10.3.0
# Write-Output '::endgroup::'
# if ( -not $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output "Attempt $i succeeded (exit code: $LASTEXITCODE)"
# break
# }
# Write-Output "::warning title=mingw::Attempt $i failed (exit code: $LASTEXITCODE)"
# }
# if ( $LASTEXITCODE ) {
# Write-Output "::error::Could not install mingw after $i attempts."
# }
# # verify mingw32-make was installed
# Get-Command -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Stop mingw32-make.exe
# - name: Build binaries
# shell: bash
# working-directory: src/
# run: |
# set -o xtrace
# mingw32-make.exe binaries
# script/setup/install-cni-windows
# - name: Build the shim
# working-directory: src/
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} -mod vendor -o "${{ github.workspace }}/src/" .\cmd\containerd-shim-runhcs-v1
# - name: Install gotestsum
# run: go install
# - name: Run containerd integration tests
# shell: bash
# working-directory: src/
# run: |
# # TODO: when makes it into the next release (container v1.6.22?), remove the skip
# # `-skip` is only available in go1.20
# export EXTRA_TESTFLAGS='-timeout=20m -run="[^(TestConvert)]"'
# export GOTEST='gotestsum --format=standard-verbose --debug --'
# make integration
# - name: Run containerd CRI integration tests
# shell: bash
# working-directory: src/
# env:
# TEST_IMAGE_LIST: ${{github.workspace}}/repolist.toml
# run: |
# cat > "${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_LIST }}" << EOF
# busybox = "${{ env.BUSYBOX_TESTING_IMAGE_REF }}"
# ResourceConsumer = "${{ env.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TESTING_IMAGE_REF }}"
# # In the stable version of hcsshim that is used in containerd, killing a task
# # that has already exited or a task that has not yet been started, yields a
# # ErrNotFound. The master version of hcsshim returns nil, which is in line with
# # how the linux runtime behaves. See:
# #
# #
# # We skip this test here, until a new release of hcsshim is cut and the one in
# # containerd is updated. When the shim is updated in containerd, this test will
# # also need to be updated and the special case for windows, removed.
# FOCUS="[^TestContainerdRestart$]" make cri-integration
# # Enable these tests once the required JobContainer images are updated.
# #
# # - name: Install containerd service
# # shell: pwsh
# # run: |
# # mkdir C:\containerd
# # Set-Content C:/containerd/containerd.toml @"
# # version = 2
# # [plugins]
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd]
# # default_runtime_name = "runhcs-wcow-process"
# # disable_snapshot_annotations = false
# # discard_unpacked_layers = false
# # ignore_blockio_not_enabled_errors = false
# # ignore_rdt_not_enabled_errors = false
# # no_pivot = false
# # snapshotter = "windows"
# #
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes]
# #
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runhcs-wcow-hypervisor]
# # runtime_type = "io.containerd.runhcs.v1"
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runhcs-wcow-hypervisor.options]
# # Debug = true
# # DebugType = 2
# # SandboxPlatform = "windows/amd64"
# # SandboxIsolation = 1
# #
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runhcs-wcow-process]
# # runtime_type = "io.containerd.runhcs.v1"
# # pod_annotations = ["*", "*" ]
# # container_annotations = ["*", "*" ]
# #
# # [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runhcs-wcow-process.options]
# # "@
# #
# # containerd.exe --register-service --log-level=debug --config C:/containerd/containerd.toml --service-name containerd --address //./pipe/containerd-containerd --state C:/ProgramData/containerd/state --root C:/ProgramData/containerd/root --log-file C:/containerd/containerd.log
# # Set-Service containerd -StartupType Automatic
# # Start-Service containerd
# #
# # - name: Build test binary
# # working-directory: src/
# # shell: pwsh
# # run: |
# # go test -mod=mod -o "${{ github.workspace }}/bin/cri-containerd.test.exe" -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr -c ./cri-containerd/ -tags functional
# #
# # - name: Run hcsshim integration tests
# # shell: pwsh
# # run: |
# # cri-containerd.test.exe -cri-endpoint="npipe://./pipe/containerd-containerd" -feature="WCOWProcess" -feature="HostProcess"
# build:
# needs: [test-windows, test-linux]
# runs-on: "windows-2022"
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Set version info
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# # ignore errors since they won't affect build
# try {
# ./scripts/Set-VersionInfo.ps1
# } catch {
# Write-Output "::warning::Could not set hcsshim version info: $_"
# } finally {
# }
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/containerd-shim-runhcs-v1
# name: Build containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/runhcs
# name: Build runhcs.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/tar2ext4
# name: Build tar2ext4.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/wclayer
# name: Build wclayer.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/device-util
# name: Build device-util.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/ncproxy
# name: Build ncproxy.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/dmverity-vhd
# name: Build dmverity-vhd.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./cmd/dmverity-vhd
# name: Build dmverity-vhd
# env:
# GOOS: linux
# GOARCH: amd64
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./internal/tools/grantvmgroupaccess
# name: Build grantvmgroupaccess.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./internal/tools/networkagent
# name: Build networkagent.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./internal/tools/securitypolicy
# name: Build securitypolicy.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./internal/tools/uvmboot
# name: Build uvmboot.exe
# - run: ${{ env.GO_BUILD_CMD }} ./internal/tools/zapdir
# name: Build zapdir.exe
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
# with:
# name: binaries
# path: |
# containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe
# runhcs.exe
# tar2ext4.exe
# wclayer.exe
# device-util.exe
# ncproxy.exe
# dmverity-vhd.exe
# dmverity-vhd
# grantvmgroupaccess.exe
# networkagent.exe
# securitypolicy.exe
# uvmboot.exe
# zapdir.exe
# build_gcs:
# needs: test-linux
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# - name: Install go
# uses: actions/setup-go@v4
# with:
# go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
# cache-dependency-path: |
# go.sum
# test/go.sum
# - name: Set version info
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# # ignore errors since they won't affect build
# try {
# ./scripts/Set-VersionInfo.ps1
# } catch {
# Write-Output "::warning::Could not set hcsshim version info: $_"
# } finally {
# }
# - name: Test
# run: make test
# - name: Pull busybox image
# run: docker pull busybox
# - name: Run Busybox Container
# run: docker run --name base_image_container busybox
# - name: Export container to tar file
# run: |
# docker export base_image_container | gzip > base.tar.gz
# - name: Build
# run: make BASE=./base.tar.gz all